does anyone else suffer severe trapped wind wi... - IBS Network
does anyone else suffer severe trapped wind with ibs

YES! !!!! But I started taking peppermint oil capsules and a probiotic every morning about 5 weeks ago and it is SO much better already. Still get it if I eat something I shouldn't but even then it goes in hours rather than days.
Hi there
Yeah that's one of my main symptoms, I sympathise with you as it's horrible. I get alot of trapped wind in my midriff which causes me alot of nausea, sometimes even ending up dry heaving. I find Motilium 10 works quite well and I always drink very ice cold water. People have told me in the past to try a cup of boiled water or peppermint tea but for me they make me feel worse.
klp77 I might try the peppermint capsules as I've heard before they can be beneficial.
Yes i do, peppermint tea is a good natural way of easing the symptoms but also magnesium tricylicate, you can buy this cheaply at around £2-£3 a bottle from most pharmacies, its old fashoined but i find it works brilliantly much better than the tablets that cost more than double!
Also look at what you are eating, since i started cutting wheat, and obvious veg like peas, broccoli, cauliflower, onion, leek and garlic, beans and pulses I dont suffer half as much. i follow the low fodmap diet generally and it has eased the colicky type pain most of the time.
This is also my main symptom, I also find motilium 10 good and peppermint pure oil - you add one drop to hot water and sip it. Exercise also seems to really help me I've only started doing this regularly quite recently but I definitely feel it helps.
I also suffer with severe trapped wind and stomach cramps so will try the Probiotic and Peppermint Oil capsules. Agree with rach1626 in that I exercise and I do find it helps immensely.

hi, i have been on peppermint capsuals for 5 motnhs and do help , i have heartburn and the feeling of food stuck in my lower throat and regurgitation after every meal and drink! I also have motillium which isnt always beneicial to me and has put weight on me .
My gastro told me that trapped wind in people with IBS (both D & C) is often caused because the bowel doesn't empty fully. I find that if I get an episode of it, using a glycerol suppository - available OTC from Boots - clears me out completely within an hour of using and the wind goes away too.

I take senna cot tablets each night and that helps too. My stomach swells up and I pee very little and not often. I'm going for a scan this week and hope they will find the cause. It's good to read all the comments as it does help to know what others do with ibs.
hi.... i take laxido and sennacot max to try help me go my tummy is swollen every night badly after eating my dinner and wind starts about 20 minutes after i have finished eating. I also take fibregel i eventually go and its constant for 2 days then im back to constipated again.

Thank you Pagan will try thatsuppository thing, I have tried everything else so may as well. This IBS is ruling my life, cant stand it and no one seems to understand, but thanks for the tip.
Paganmoon, thank you for that tip regarding a glycerol suppository, I will certainly give that a try. I have taken sennacot and other laxatives in the past but they have never helped. I also tried Fybergel but that has not worked for me either. I have to admit that it's been better of late but I think that's down to cycling 5 days last week, cycled yesterday and power walked tonight, it certainly helps but wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all take a pill and it was all gone! I certainly myself find this site extremely helpful as so many people have so many ideas, it's briliant.
Best of luck to you all
Yes, first thing in the morning it's terrible and I get really bad stomach ache as well. I'm going to try the peppermin tea/oil and see what happens.
God is wonderful ! I had suffer from ibs for over 3 years, so every Doctors I ever been, kept telling me I had constipation problem, so no one could not cure my IBS. My left side of my stomach was so painful, IBS had completely rule my life. When ever I had bowel movement, I could never empty my stomach , you could name all kind of medication ,I did all....Nothing seems to be working. So one day I went on Google I typed does anyone has pain on left side of abdomen? Wow! All that time, I thought, I was the only one that terrible pain . That day I went to Doctor Jesus, so I closed my door and prayed to God asked him to heal me ,not only myself for people out there who sick too, to send a medication for all people who suffer from IBS. I told God whenever he heal me,so I will go back to that web and tell the people the good news. Not too long after, I received a phone called from my mom who came visited me saw how much pain I was . She talked to a Haitian Doctor ,he told my mom, I had an infection, well back where I came from, whenever someone sick we took our own medication. Because Doctors would not tell you jack, cause they want to making money from people, some doctor they don't even care. Cause they want people to keep coming to them ,that's the way they made money .Call that greedy. My Mom remembered when someone has an infection you take AmoxiciIlin 500mg is a red and yellow capture . I supposed to take one morning and one night, so because I work at night, I took one daily, well, well, mmmm on my 3rd days I went to bathroom my stomach had empty, I used to feel like my stomach never empty , I couldn't never finished eat my meal, because every time I eat my left side was painful on my 5th days praise be the Lord. I used to be healthy person never sick sense I was 10 now on my 38 years old to suffer like that no , no,the devil is a liar.......God is wonderful! I kept my promised to God, I will tell everyone how I got my healing from IBS .Now I eat anything I want, no more pain. My IBM went to HELL. Please ,guys don't keep the good news to yourself pass it anyone who suffer from this terrible pain.Be bless. Remember God is the number one Doctor......... let me know also how your guy's feeling too.

Ibs is a syndrome caused alot of the time by levels of friendly bacteria in your guts being low hence why people are advised to take pro biotics to try bring these levels of bacteria back up again, Antibiotics such as "amoxicillin" aswell as killing bad bacteria also kill friendly bacteria too and in some ibs cases antibiotics have been the culprit for starting the ibs in the first place. Just had to mention this as I am extremely surprised a doctor would permenantly prescribe atibiotics to you and evan if your symtoms seem to be easing I can pretty much guarantee that the amoxicillin is not help you and defonatly will not help long term
Thorns420 I agree with what you've said I've just been on 2 weeks of amoxicillin for pneumonia and my ibs is dreadful now since being on them that medication seems to have aggravated it, the wind in my stomache is horrendous,at the moment so been drinking gallons of peppermint tea

I had to laugh at the absurdity and stupidity of this response. IBS is a medical condition that is caused by PHYSIOLOGICAL symptoms. Praying to an imaginary person to rid you of something that is unique, to your physiological make up is just illogical and frankly stupid. As other posters here have stated, changing your diet, changing your way of life, and trying probiotic usually help to regulate this issue. However, scientifically praying to a fictitious being in the sky is about as useful as hoping your dog will talk.
After you don't feel that pain stop taking AmoxiciIlin 500ml .Because it is a strong medication. It is an Anbiotics .

and antibiotics also kill the good bacteria you're already short of
Yes I have been recently my doctor put me on prescribed medicine called Apercap equivalent to comperin peppermint capsules but seem to be worse.
I suffer from a severe trap wind any advice
Ive just been given simeticone by my doctor for trapped wind im on day 1 so we will see how we go ....the other name for it is windeze gel caps.
Me too....
I've reduced my dairy intake dramatically and take a probiotic daily.
I also find chamomile tea helps