on Thursday i had a ct scan, i went in for my appointment and was given, 3 bottles of barium solution to drink within 40 minutes not the best of tastes was like drinking oil. anyway 15 minutes in and diaria started and then another 10 minutes and it was just liquid pouring out back end , finally stopped long enough to get test done that lasted only 5 minutes thankfully, when they injected dye into vein i got a burning sensation in head and metallic taste in mouth which they said was normal. anyway after spending another 30 minutes in toilets i got home but it has been like a hose connected to back passage that wont turn off . so this is Saturday now and easing a bit just thought I'd let you know how i got on,
c t scan: on Thursday i had a ct scan, i went in... - IBS Network
c t scan

How difficult for you.
It sounds as if you might be allergic to the solution. As for the dye, the metallic taste is one thing but I din't know about a burning sensation in the head as 'normal'. A friend of mine knew she was allergic to a certain substance in her tests and advised the hospital, but they still gave her the injection anyway with 'it' in and the consequences were dire for her. She made a formal complaint but is more anxious that it never happens again, as she has ongoing bowel problems.
If you don't improve you will obviously have to get back to the professionals.
never heard of having a ct scan for bowel problems had camera 5 years ago and was diagnosed with ibs but didn't get any help back to the hospital this week as pain is getting unbearable
hi . yes i had cameras only showed up that i had an tear in stomach, so they gave me a c t scan to have a better look to see if anything shows up on outside of bowel and intestine will be seeing the consultant on 17th this months so fingers crossed i .hope you get some relief soon ,
I had the same test as you and had the same experience, was told it was perfectly normal. Just managed have scan before dashing to the loos, had diarhoea for a while and then went into constipation, nightmare to get rid of, but still told all my experiences of this test were normal !!
hi. well had results of tests all negative, i think its the one time i wish they had found something, it might explain why I'm having these problems . anyway stool sample taken today so have to wait 8 weeks to get result of that , then back to consultant in 3 months. happy days lol