English low fodmaps or Australian low fodmaps ... - IBS Network

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English low fodmaps or Australian low fodmaps diet

annie-w profile image
14 Replies

Has anyone else been on the English version of the low fodmaps diet which is somewhat different from the original Australian one and if so how have you got on. I have tried the English version for about 5-6 weeks with limited success. for example it allows dairy but low lactose, and also allows sugar and syrup but excludes wheat and most of the same problem veg and fruit as the Aus version. I have seen for the second time my dietician and she has given me a pamphlet about reintroducing 'problem' foods. Have started with wheat ie bread for 3 days but as I was still getting some symptoms while on the low fodmaps diet find it hard to ascertain if the slight nausea I have today is due to the bread??? Still very confused. Anyone any advice. I do not have ibs d. or c. although I do feel slightly constipated at the end of each day. Sorry this is so longwinded I wonder if the low fodmaps diet not working very well for me as I am not an ibs c.sufferer?

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annie-w profile image
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14 Replies

Hi annie=w,

...and here's an even more long-winded answer! The following paragraph is an excerpt from a post I made today on another thread which pretty much tells you that I think the Australian diet, which is much stricter, is miles better than the English version:

'The best information is on the Monash University website where the diet was created and is still being developed - at least you know the info is both current and correct. If you have an iPhone there’s also a great app you can download from there. Best book on it is Patsy Catsos's 'IBS - Free at last' as it's much more informative than any of the FODMAP booklets the NHS dietitians are handing out, particularly with regard to product ingredients.'

I started on Aussie FODMAPS last year prior to the NHS getting behind the diet, it was a dream come true for me and gave me a huge amount of control over my symptoms. When my GP sent me to see a dietitian 3 months ago, I was very surprised by the laxity of the UK version. For instance, the booklets recommend some processed foods which all contain rubbish ingredients, in particular, gluten-free bread products which have fruit juice concentrate in!

In short, I stick to the Australian diet, backed up by Patsy Catsos's book and with occasional reference to the NHS stuff if an English food isn't mentioned in the overseas info. I have to tweak things to suit myself as well, for instance, despite them being on all 'safe' lists, I cannot tolerate rice and its derivatives, oats, blueberries, cranberries or bananas.

You could equally well be right though in that, as you don't have either D or C, maybe FODMAPs isn't right for you. From what I've read on this site, it also seems to me that it works better for people with D rather than C or A.

Hope this epistle is helpful!


annie-w profile image
annie-w in reply to

Thank you. I have got a list I cant remember where from, the Paleo fodmaps list is this the same as the Australian version it seems very similar to my English one except for sugary things- mentions gluten free bread for example. I buy gluten free bread but do check the ingredients. Do you reintroduce excluded fodmaps foods at all as I understood that sticking rigidly to the low fodmaps diet wasn't necessarily healthy in the long run.I know its always different for each individual. I haven't got an i- phone so cant get ap. Can you get the monash diet in booklet form in England?. As far as I can see you cant get the complete monash foods list on the website. Presumably they want you to buy the booklet.

in reply to annie-w

Yes, I do eat off the FODMAPs regime in small quantities and infrequently, but I have to choose my items carefully as there are some foods I can't tolerate at all no matter how small the portion.

There are ingredients in processed foods that are a real no-no for most people with IBS and that's where Patsy Catsos's book is a boon as she does mention some of them. It's best to stay away from prepared stuff altogether if you can. This book follows the Australian diet with additions and is available from Amazon - highly recommended.

I think you do have to order the booklet directly from Monash, as far as I know it's not available for purchase over here. They were supposed to be doing an android version of the app but they don't seem to have got round to it yet.


AfricanSheila profile image

I don't have D or C and so find the diagnosis of IBS baffling. I'm on an elimination diet and think I am reacting to the extra fat I'm now having. So is this IBS I'm wondering? How did you get your diagnosis?

in reply to AfricanSheila

I was diagnosed by a gastro after a gastroscopy. My symptoms were absolutely classic so it wasn't difficult.

I also find it utterly baffling that people without D or C get this diagnosis. I know the term 'IBS' is used to cover a whole range of otherwise nameless symptoms, but I think this is a step too far.

A close friend of mine was told she had IBS a year ago and it actually turned out to be a gynae problem instead!


annamargarita profile image
annamargarita in reply to

Hi Pagan, I have been wondering for a while whether my IBS diagnosis has to do anything with gynae related things. Could you maybe tell me a bit more about how your friend found out it was not IBS? That would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance


Boogie profile image

Sue Shepard has a new IBS book out in next couple of months. (Sue was the dietitian that started the FODMAP diet in Oz). Cost just over £9 to pre-book at book depository. Amazon have it but nearer £12 when looked today. No idea if it will be any good but thought worth a mention.

in reply to Boogie

Thanks very much for posting this info, will pre-order right now.

annie-w profile image

To all who have responded but particularly Sheila am now wondering because of not having diarrhea and only slight constipation at the end of the day whether the ibs diagnosis is correct. But as its simply a term used to describe symptoms varying from one individual to another, but to do with disorders in the gut maybe there is no other way of describing it. This is what my gastro enterologist came up with after blood tests, stool tests endoscopy, ct scans. They think I had an infection which triggered ibs, that too is a bit odd because although I had bad stomach pain and cramps and constant nausea with that ( just after Christmas ) no d or c treated with antibiotics as possible diverticulitis later. Not diverticulitis as exclusion of wheat and and the antibiotics made little difference. I am very confused and had stomach ache all day yesterday so rather depressed again, although my constant nausea now very much diminished. Seeing my gp next week will try and question him a bit more closely without having much expectation of useful advice. Is candida a possible issue? No more appointments with gastro or dietician now on my own.

in reply to annie-w

Before I discovered FODMAPs, I did an anti-candida diet after getting a positive result for it from a private lab (the NHS won't test for it). My symptoms lessened by about 30% over a period of 4 months, a further test at that time showed me clear of candida. If I hadn't cleared the candida first, it seems obvious to me that I wouldn't be getting such a good result with FODMAPs. Might be worth your time and money (about £60) to get a test done.

Bibabunny profile image

Hello, I think that Paganmoon makes an important point with the Candida diet. When I suffer a flare up which I think is linked to my falling of my fodmap wagon, then I do the candida diet for around 5 days and this gives me 4 weeks with a gut that's not quite so intolerant.

annie-w profile image
annie-w in reply to Bibabunny

Thank you what is the candida diet how does it differ from fodmaps?

in reply to annie-w


The anti-candida diet (see below) is completely different to FODMAPs in that it aims to get rid of an overgrowth of yeast cells - something which medics don't believe really happens. It takes about 4 - 6 months to clear candida on the first run, I strongly advise a test first though as there's no point in putting yourself through more dietary aggravation if you don't need to. This is the site I used: candidatest.co.uk

Prescription and OTC painkillers


Dairy (including lactose-free)


All fruit for the first month then low-sugar fruits only


Fermented foodstuffs e.g. vinegars


I wish you well.


woodgut8 profile image

I also went on UK fodmaps for 4 wks shd have been 6 but other people say hav had success but it needs to go for longer. Try to get tests for foods intolerance first takes some of the guesswork out of it. I am going to go back ondiet and try again.

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