Got diagnosed with IBS a month ago, can someon... - IBS Network

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Got diagnosed with IBS a month ago, can someone give me some advice?

lil-chick profile image
7 Replies
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lil-chick profile image
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7 Replies

Can you say what tests you've had done so far? Have you seen a gastroenterologist and/or dietitian? What have you tried for yourself, e.g. diets etc?


lil-chick profile image

Iv seen a gastroenterologist he diagnosed me with IBS by my symptoms I didn't have no tests done then he discharged me, that's what making me think as iv been told I should of had a scan done on my bowels to see but I didn't, & iv been trying to cut out foods that makes me get a bellyache and which triggers it off but its abit hard as I get a bellyache and feel sick after nearly everything I eat,

in reply to lil-chick

Hi lil-chick,

Strange that no tests were ordered by your gastro. I presume you've been tested by your GP for coeliac disease, if not you should ask for this to be done. I would also recommend that you ask for a referral to a dietitian trained in the FODMAPs diet as this works extremely well for me and many other people on this site.

In the meantime, you can start this diet yourself and the best information is on the website for Monash University where the diet was first created - just put FODMAP into the search box on its homepage. If you have an iPhone there’s also an app you can download from there.

The dietitian, Patsy Catsos, has written a very good book about FODMAPs called 'IBS - Free At Last' (available from Amazon) which contains excellent info and a good plan to follow.

Can't recommend this diet highly enough as a jumping-off point and results can be quite quick.


hillyfilly profile image

Hi lil-chick

I was diagnosed 2 years ago with ibs by gastroentologist after I had a colonoscopy, but was given no dietn advice, but since taking pro-biotics and using the fodmap diet I have more or less got my problem under control. I am based in ireland but got details of fodmap off the internet but I think if you are in UK you can get details of the diet from the NHS.

Hope this helps you as I do sympathise with you as I know how awful things can get.


Ibssucks profile image

Try cutting out fatty foods, when I have a flare Up, Which I do at the mo, then I have to cut out the fatty foods otherwise the bloating is unbearable. I've been tested for gallbladder issues and coeliac, and generally in the uk, if thoses are ruled out, it's generally thought to be ibs as far as I've experienced.

Diamondchick profile image

I was diagnosed with IBS following an endoscopy and a colonscopy both of which came back clear. I received no nutritional advice and was handed leaflets on the way out of the hospital.

I am currently trying a process of elimination and find that foods like raw veg, rice and lean good quality meat are usually my "safe" foods. It didn't take long for me to realise that wheat, gluten, dairy, fatty/greasy foods, caffeine and alcohol are definitely not for me. Fruit also doesn't agree with me at all so currently trying to find something to take that will keep my nutrition up but won't attack my poor tummy.

Definitely recommend peppermint tea as a replacement for tea/coffee. Its an acquired taste that you will get used to after the 2nd or 3rd cup - if at first you don't like it I suggest you persist as it definitely helps with the pain and cramps.

A hot water bottle is likely to become your best friend when you have a flare up and if possible try and take a relaxing bath 1-2 times a week to keep the stress/anxiety levels down.

Kaolin & Morphine mixture is my godsend, along with loperamide I carry it in my bag with a tablespoon and I stops the loose bowel movements quicker than taking 2 loperamide.

Increasing your weekly exercise or joining yoga/pilates classes to relax will help, or if your like me and feel self-conscious about exercising in front of others then you can't beat a nice long relaxing walk to clear your head.

emmaf profile image

I have suffered from a swollen belly for over 10 years causing some discomfort and i believe fatigue. Two doctors have told me it's a moderate form of IBS. I also have developed arthritic symphonies in my joints within the last two years. None of the drugs have an effect so far.

Since January, I went on an elimination diet following the book called 'Diet and Arthritis' by Gail Darlington and can't recommend it highly enough. It's a an excellent read giving a critique on many other diets out there and gives a step by step approach to follow her process. I realise now that certain foods were causing my gut to swell and that I had food intolerences which may well have caused me to feel very unwell. 7 months on, I don't eat certain foods and, I rarely suffer now, have lots of energy and my arthritis symptoms are virtually gone. Have lost a stone and have a flat stomach!

She has done some proper medical research and testing and although her book is for arthritis sufferers, the diet I think would help many people. If you only read one book on the subject, read this one as her approach is very scientific and detailed.

Good luck


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