No medication seems to be working to ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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No medication seems to be working to ease some of the pain

7 Replies

Me again. No medication seems to be working. I'm currently on 3 gabapentin, Naproxen, 2 Omeprazoles (stomach was slightly damaged in early may as I wasn't aware that you had to have a stomach lining tablet with naproxen... Dr didn't give any Omeprazole with the naproxen so was advised to take 2 of them to help boost protection, not been told to stop)

I Also take the following Vitamins ; Vitamin D & Calcium (I've always been low all my life so keep myself topped up), iron & multivitamins, Omega 3, vitamin C and Zinc. I still t

I've been on ;

• Tramadol when needed (before I was diagnosed, doctor gave me them thinking it was something like sciatica etc not a life long condition)

• Amitriptyline - made me really depressed,suicidal and S/H on it and being semi-violent to my husband (Never hurt him but I kicked the sofa edge with some force where he was sat, smashed a mirror and punched stuff. This had been during an argument but so out of character for me)

• Nortriptyline- was up to 50mg(?) For a few weeks and nothing

• pregabalin - started to work and used to 2 tablets. On the first day of taking them twice , it made me very disoriented and numb and emotional

• Gabapentin- no effect what so ever having the worst pain I've had in a while.

▪︎in between all of this I've been using ; microwaveable heat beanie, hot water bottle, oriental rub, heat spray (did nothing but made me stink) , adhesive heat pads, wrist splint, a tummy compression weapon that pregnant women use, a shoulder sling thing, knee compression 'sleeves'

Not much relief if I'm honest.

I don't know whether to ring the doctors and ask if I can switch to pregabalin again, Switch my pre-booked week off when it's time to double up on dose and try stick it out .

I don't care about putting weight on, I can sacrifice that to stop most of the pain. And I can sacrifice feeling like a zombie for a few weeks.

These are the experiences I was having with pregabalin;

▪︎Numbness of hands/mouth/legs etc and arms feel floppy?

▪︎When you pick stuff up you can't gauge how you are gripping it? like its easy to drop?

▪︎Getting confused about normal stuff

▪︎can't think and use your hand properly?

▪︎Trouble typing

▪︎cant walk in straight line

▪︎Agitated at little things or when I try do normal stuff(couldn't undo coffee lid, hold spoon, hold antibacterial spray bottle)

▪︎Feeling drunk & out of it

▪︎Tired and just wanna crash

▪︎Preception of time / distance off

Its the closest one that works apart from from tramadol (but would need to take it literally every 4-6 hours each day) and that was back in 2019 before pains got worse .

I just can't cope with the pain and want to have some relief

Advice?? 😓

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7 Replies
Fibroska profile image

So sorry to hear things are such a struggle, I was wondering if you have tried using guided meditation (You Tube), Body Scan's are quite good too but I have only done this as part of a course, I'd imagine you'd find one on line somewhere.

Try and stay as positive and stress free as possible(easier said than done, I know), one's mental state has a great bearing on pain felt, stop being hard on yourself, pace activities and remember and be kind to yourself.

I hope you experience relief soon.

Stay safe, keep well and be strong.

Madhatter20 profile image


Just wanted to let you know that you are not on your own. I have experienced exactly the same and currently take no medication simply because my body can’t tolerate the side effects.

I am awaiting a pain management course once everything is up and running. I know I’ve not been much help I just wanted to let you know you’re not on your own. 😊

freefred profile image

I'm no medical expert, I can only tell you what I have experienced and been told by my doctors. I take Gabapentin, 4 x 600 mg daily, the one thing I know for certain is avoid any alcohol or illegal narcotics, I get massive bad reactions from those. I don't take Naproxen, I have always been told that an anti-inflammatory like Naproxen does not work well with fibro. I was put onto paracetamol 4 x a day instead. I have recently finished a long battle (6 months) to get my body off of morphine (I was on 300 mg a day). This has been replaced by codeine 30 mg (1 or 2 up to 4x a day).

I am on amitrypteline, however it is a very low dose (1 - 3 10 mg tablets at night). This was mainly because after losing the Morphine I was in so much pain overnight I was sleeping 2 - 3 hours a night.

Please do not take this personally, but is your mental health ok? I suffer greatly with depression (I always had it at low level but depression and pain feed off each other.) Is it possible that you are feeling particularly depressed which does really ramp up your pain? It might be worth discussing this with your doctor. I hope this has been some little help.

Catsnoop profile image

I am in the same situation, I was at the doctor yesterday because of this and he has run out of answers. I am also on tramadol, naproxen, amitriptyline, venlafaxine, lamotrigine, HRT. CBD oil has really helped with my muscle pain, it’s not legal here yet but my doctor knows that I take it, and when I’m really bad then I have a THC oil that basically helps all the pain and knocks me out. This is not ideal though as I work and can only take it in the evenings. I can take the CBD during the day though.

YASMINTINA profile image

Glad that members are offering their support, it’s pretty rotten trying to get meds that help us and also not upsetting stomach/sleepiness etc , yes I think your right in saying see your doctor again ,a week off from work might be helpful if changing meds, sending a hug as we can relate to your daily struggles xxxx

fibo profile image

I'd say you may be taking too many vitamins I have heard you can take too many the doctor prescribed me vitamin D and that's about it. I take Tramadol in the morning with paracetamol 2 dose have taking this for 8 years now but I find I only need two a day gabapentin 400 mg a day only at night make me to sleepy the rest of the day duloxetine 40 to 60 mg a day in the evening and rest.. I've recently been on a new class and they told me that I need to meditate three times a day which I was a bit shocked after looking at meditation apps myself I find that 10 to 15 minutes and then back to normal has made quite a difference to me did you say you are working because that's something I haven't done for 10 years now and still quite fatigued a lot of the time but the pain is not so bad I know now if I'm in pain I've overdone it so I rest up for a whole day hope you find this helpful. .

Julesubu profile image

Try CBD oil it's not cheap but lot of people find it helps pain. Need a really good botanical form of high strength 10-20 mgs, take few drops at time. Can also help relax and not supposed to have side effects as thc free. Best to get online as these high street shops not always regulated.

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