I have been on Pregabalin for a number of years, so after a while, I wasn't sure if it was doing anything for me. Then my GP asked if I would change over to Gabapentin, as it does the same thing, but is cheaper for the surgery. She did say I could go back to the original med, if the new one doesn't work for me. At the moment, I am suffering badly, due to reducing off. At least, I know now, that Lyrica (Pregabalin) was doing something for me. I'll try going on the other one, but if it is not effective, then I will go back on Lyrica (despite it costing the surgery more)

hi i have been on gabapentyn for 13months a couple of months ago my dr asked me to switch to pregabalin but i had a bad reaction tried to stick with it but with withdrawl and new drug just made me psychotic. had to go back to my usual meds. if pregabalin is working i wouldnt switch as gabapentin may not work or suit you but you know pregabalin does good luck either way
I went from pregabalin to gabapentin as it was cheaper, I had a bad reaction to it so went back to pregabalin it's the best med for my fms. Hope you're doing ok and either med work for you.
I went from gabapentin to pregabalin, i was on the max dose of gaba, it was doing nothing for my fms, had to go back to the chronic pain clinic and they changed them to pregablin which works for me, still get some pain but top up with paracetamol. personally i would stay on the pregabalin. :<)
Hi Helen..i just come across this fm community bec i was trying to find out (before seeing my dr with the nerve test done) if i was having fm due to chronic pain on my left arm started on my left shoulder..unfortunately am also diagnosed of endo and also in chronic pain due to d disease.am in pain management..i was on gabapentin few mos back and i dontbknow if i responded to it as i was on hormone therapy for endo so i was pain free.now that am done with lap surgery,am still having pain and had to continue pregabalin (btw,it was already prescribed to me when i had my shouldr and arm checked prior to surgery)..but am not seeing or feeling am getting any better.i asked my pain dr if she can shift me to gabapentin,one reason is that it's cheaper...i will start tomorrow so i have yet to see if it does work...all of the people here who answered were right..u can go and try which one works for u as they are safe for lifetime intake..goodluck to both of us in finding what will make us feel better
I went from pregabalin to gaba as i put on so much weight with the pregabalin but i want to change back as gabapentin is not helping with fibro pain.
I also take tramerdole and amertrip
Hugs Caz xx
I had horrible side effects from Gabapentin which have not gone away completely!!!!! Jerking and occasionally jumping legs!!!!!
Fine on Pregapentin
hi i was tool by my gp pregablin is the same as gabapenlin but more refinded ( bad bits taken out) dont quote me I am no doctor but that what i was told I think keep smiling dave
Do both make you gain weight i have just started on gab ?
hi i have been on pregablin for a good few years now and thay work with my list of meds before xmas i kept getting cramp on my thigh so he started me on gabapentine i was on them for 3 months when i went to see my dr again i told him i didnt want them anymore as all i done was sleep all day then he looked through my note as he said i cant be on both meds and tryed blameing another dr now i am on stronger pregablin and working good