Posts - Diabetes India | HealthUnlocked

Diabetes India

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All posts for October 2013

I use GP-1 before break fast and Metadoze 850 after break fast and after dinner for my sugar control is it a heavy doze?

geoduza profile image

I take GlucoRedForte tab 500mg everyday 1 hrs before lunch /before dinner keeping sugar level 90FF/140PL .some take after meal why?

Which is better way to take medicines?
lamin profile image

Is there stem cell therapy for type2 diabetes? If yes, can somebody tell me whom I can contact ..preferably in bangalore

gmg49 profile image
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I am looking for suplier of SAUVERR ANJAN , made as per the proper process as discribed in Ayurvedic pharmacopia and samhitas.

dhankumar profile image

is there is any medicine vitiligo.Pls help

mohanant profile image

I have used Pioglit Tab for my sugar control . Now that is banned in India . What is the alternate medicine for that ?

ramadoss4 profile image

Postcard Connection Event on the Occasion of World Diabetes Day: November 14, 2013

Moto of Poster Connection event: To promote healing through Creativity, Connecti...
StopDiabetes profile image
Diabetes India

I am diabetic since jan 2010, I am taking glimulin 1 mg and glycomet 850 twice daily. due to Ramadan fasting medicine dose increased

i am taking oleanz plus and zeptol cr 300 each half OD for mild depression and r...
farooque40 profile image

i am a diabetic since 22 years and i take human mixtard 50 22 units morning and night and 10 units of human antrapid.

my sugar level is over 300 always what can i do.

i am diabetic since 1998 my sugar level fs is 160 and pp is 200 I take Reclimet80 TID + janumet 50 OID in morning+Nurokind Plus tab

bashok profile image

how can i control my craziness towards sweets?

akhtar profile image

I am a known Diabetic for last 20 years . When ever the sugal level gone beyound the limits ( above 200 ) , the doctor prescriped new

medicines and brought in control. Is it true that using the same medicines for l...
ramadoss4 profile image

Any body who purchased long wheat in mumbai Maharashtra or in Surat Gujrat ?

Pls post address for shopping long wheat.Me and many people searching around MUM...
Hidden profile image

Starting to take 'George Wheat' food supplement. Need confirmation regarding process.

Dear Mr. George, I bought Long Wheat - Jau Wheat (may I call it as 'George Wheat...
swamyonline profile image

methi seeds soaked in water overnite and consumed early in the morning, gives bad effects on bones if taken for longer period. pls advice

meetha profile image

what is the differnce in type 1 dibeties & type 2 dibeties Dharam Pal Sharma


jaisinghk1 profile image

what the diet plan of one diabetic having B.S. since last 15 years and of 50 years old fellow

pupu profile image

can a type 2 diabetic person eat rice and potetos. sugar free tablets are safe or not

rajeshhp profile image

Diabetic Surgery

For some time now, Fortis and other hospitals have been advertising about the Di...
yooddhi profile image

my mother is diabetic(type 2) since 18 yrs.she takes human mixtard at a dose of 30U in morning and 28U in eveng,bt her sugr isnt control.

how ladysfinger will help her
farheen profile image

Can diabetic persons consume brown rice ( Dawat brown rice).The ad claims that this rice is very safe for the diabetic

persons. Is this right or a mith.
nmmalhotra08 profile image

Recently got values of 263/ 441 of sugar levels. On medication. Need suggestion on diet control.

This is directly to Mr. George. Its really inspiring to see ur replies. 15 Days ...
swamyonline profile image

How Can Starch Rich Long Wheat CURE Diabetes? Reply of the Protagonist.

How Can Starch Rich Long Wheat CURE Diabetes? Though the question is a simple s...

Dears, today morning 5am I woke up to low sugar symptoms, shivering etc.I tested my FBS was 104, which I is normal level. why such symptom?

tsms profile image

select your diet plan and control fat level & cholesterol by using this website. search for what you eat... it will show all details.

home made medicine

I am a diabetic patient for last 14 years and only taking alopathic medicine. Wi...
prabir profile image

Are home remedies and herbal preparations effective for controlling blood sugar?!

There are very many home remedies and herbal preparations and ayurvedic medicine...
hsparekh profile image

does the medicine really good n working i want to know cause i want to overcome diabetes

rudraksh25 profile image

please refer the book Dr richard k bernstein diabetes solution u tube lchf diet u tube gary taubes

please go through this once ,than i shall give you more tips !!!!!!!!!
chandra463 profile image