how can i control my craziness towards sweets? - Diabetes India

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how can i control my craziness towards sweets?

akhtar profile image
8 Replies
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akhtar profile image
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8 Replies

First and foremost,please acquire as much knowledge as possible about the ill effects of high sugar levels such as diabetic nuropathy,diabetiv nephropathy,suceptibility to cardiovascular disease,ill effects on lungs and liver etc.If you thoroughly understand all the implications,you will automatically develop the necessary will power and your craving for sweets will disappear.You can get plenty of information from the internet.For example you can log into and subscribe to their newsletter.

gangadharan_nair profile image

Consume sugar-free sweets.

Do not worry . Do not take sugar at all . Make it your determination that you will not have sugar at all? Do not eat any sweets on Diwali not even sugar-free sweets. Eat fruits and I think you will get over the feeling of taking sugar with in 15 days.

marsh9 profile image
marsh9 in reply to

FALSE. FRUITS are also bad perhaps not as bad as sweets since the fiber in fruits fills your belly sooner and there fore you are satiated faster & sooner and do not keep eating and eating ,more and more.. also the fiber in the fruit binds to the fructoce leading to slower absorbption of the sugars from fruits.

dhankumar profile image

who r u anyway.

I do not think a person seeking advice from out side can ever control sweet or any thing he is so badly attached with. the only way out for persons like you is this prediction =

1. sooner or later you will have diabetes !

it can express it's arival by unpredictable disorders which shall not be cured by medicines prescribed by the doctors for istance if you have joint pain like frozen sholder or any thing like this you will not have relief by pain killer/ massage even physiotherapy untill you have checked suger and find that now u r a diabetic . u will be prescribed metamorphene or some other drug.

in the early stage you will get relief if you terminate suger consumption as per the advice of your doctor. your problem of love for sweets will come to breakup if you are a wise person.

but if you do not stop

dont worry . very soon u will have some kidney or heart or or paralisys or other such problems like gangarine etc.

there are remeadies for these also they will provide you costlier medicines as u will not be in position to safisfy your love for sweets. suppose u r paralised and put on the bed. there are chances of getting bed sols free of cost which are not repairable as turning in to ganagarine.


get wise . do not waste time in asking such foolish questions!

do not let my predictions come true.

I am not telling you to take divorce from sweets if you are not a diabetic at present.

follow following practices for a while. (if you are not a diabetic yet)

use farooqi manjan in stead of toothpaste as the first thing in the morning say goodby to sweet sweet tooth paste loudly..

reduce the qty of suger in tea or coffi u use to take.

even if you have gone thru fasting for the full ramzan again begin roza every alternate day or every third or fourth day at least two days in a week in the name of Allah the most magnificent and mearciful.

remember ! the almighty does not allow you to kill your self.

rakeshjain profile image

I was like you. From my experience I can say that you may not be able to give-up sweets all at once. I would suggest you to make a beginning as under:

1. Take fruits or dry fruits or dried fruits whenever you feel the pang. Take enough quantity to satisy your urge.

2. Give up all those sweets which are sticky and thick. Like sweets which are combination of sugar and mawa. These are the main culprit in my opinion. No sticky, gooie stuff.

3. Give up atleast one regular sweet item. I gave up sugar in tea. I take tea with very little milk and half the normal quantity of tea leaves. It is mild but flavory. Less quantity of tea leaves do not make the tea bitter. Now I do not like any other form of tea. I have also started liking green tea. I take 2-4 cups of tea a day without feeling guilty.

4. Give up all items made of maida (refined flour). At least reduce its intake to negligible. It is very difficult to follow this advice if you take food other than home-made. Even brown bread or atta bread have quite a lot of maida. Look at the ingredients. Maida is as bad as sugar in my opinion. All biscuits and bakery items have maida.

5. Walk or exercise or do pranayaam for half to one hour daily.

Upon following the above advice for a month or so, your craziness for sweets will diminish and by and by you will find yourselff in better control of your craziness for sweets.

pandr1946 profile image

Mr Akthar! In the first place we must not feel much guilt for having a liking for sweets. Your word craziness reflects this sense of guilt. Now let me come to the point at issue. Man by nature could not keep on taking either hot or bitter things at a stretch merely for the reason they are good for our health particularly for diabetes. Hence naturally there would be some sort of urge for taking some sweet things now and then. In fact and according to my limited understanding taking some sweets is not a banned thing for life. Only the quantity counts. After all is it not a fact life is beautiful? Why? Because it does not close all avenues of happiness at a stretch. Irrespective of age there would be always an outlet for us for enabling us to come out of the so called adverse situation. Now I am coming to my own self. When ever I feel little tasteless in my mouth I would split a sweet into three or four parts. And after taking one piece of the same I would possess a sense psychological fulfillment of having a taken a whole some sweet. We can afford to take this luxury with a condition. What is it? 1)Make hard work part of our routine life.2) Regular physical exercises plus some yoga plus pranayama and plus some regular meditation.3) Always strive to develop a positive sense of well being at the depth of our mind.4) MOST IMPORTANT--KEEP AWAY UNWANTED COMFORTS FROM THE CORRIDORS OF LIFE IN RIGHT EARNEST.

kksharma profile image

Mr Akhatar,u may take sweets made of sugar free powders made in desi ghee preferably in cow ghee or may go for assorted sweets but one or two peices not more and eating dry fruits instead of sweet is good suggestion when u feel like to eat sweet.

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