Posts - British Liver Trust | HealthUnlocked

British Liver Trust

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All posts for June 2013

Can you take HRT if you have a high ALT reading from taking prescribed antibiotics & other meds, and trying to get it down?

My ALT was as high as 1,600 due to too many antibiotics, many insect bites with ...
Brella profile image

HOLIDAY best place to go with HCC and other

just wondering if anyone has been abroad with HCC and encountered any problems w...
daisy11 profile image

Meds stopped

Hi all, went to see consultant on Tuesday,we spoke about the incessant itching t...
Gizmo326 profile image
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is liver biopsy gold standard?

I have been affected by a kind of unknown autoimmune disease for the past 10 yea...
mahe profile image

Trying (and failing) to cut a long story short

In late March this year my friends noticed my eyes were yellow so I went to the ...
becksmay profile image

Why do I feel achy all over?

For a few weeks now I have had an achy feeling in all my joints, the type of fee...
Hidden profile image

brother drinking again

my brother is drinking heavy again he liver is ok at moment but after years of d...
steve4 profile image

Anyone know what decompensated liver disease means. I have cirrhosis Thanks

Ruby52 profile image

brother was hospitalized due to stomach swelling his legs have sores on them and he is losing blood. he has not drank in two mos.

SaVeDbYgRaCe profile image

wife had gi bleed

but they could not control it so did proceedure tipps since then she has to tak...
em25 profile image

My liver only has 30% functioning, what are my prospects?

Peterboag profile image

Confused re liver cirrohiss

Have had massive GI bleed in Feb this year, banding, then internal bleeding whic...
angse profile image

What are alternatives to azathioprine?

Unfortunately, I've had Aza stopped after only 10 days - ended up at hospital on...
witchiegirl profile image

How does a person find out the degree of severity of their liver disease/cirrhosis?

Asking a professional does not give an answer. Perhaps they do not know. The com...
Cucamelon profile image

Potassium level

Had results from bloods got high potassium level of 5.7...getting confused web m...
Bigplanet profile image

What does 'moderately severe' fatty infiltration of the liver' mean and prognosis?

juiajuju profile image


Well it will be soon to have another procedure (TACe) and you could sayit took m...
daisy11 profile image

Relapse Update

Update on my relapse. If can remember I relapse after 3 months off alcohol, and ...
Bigplanet profile image

My group on facebook

I have started a group on facebook called living with cirrhosis. Its for people ...
Tinabean profile image

Advancing Age and Liver transplantation

Hello All, From reading the numerous blogs and questions on this site it appe...
findasolution profile image

Sometimes help comes too late

Just to say my husband passed today with multiple organ failure ultimately relat...
carer2709 profile image

ogd bannding

In the last two years i have had over 10 OGDs and 2 upper GI bleeds. I have band...
lillylular profile image

Cirrhosis & cramps

Hi, this is my first blog ever, so here goes. My husband was diagnosed with cirr...
moxoa profile image

Chinese medicines for itching

Hi all,just wondered if anyone here has tried alternative meds,ie Chinese herbal...
Gizmo326 profile image

OGD to look for oesophageal varices

Am getting anxious abotu my forthcoming OGD. It is on Monday next week. I knw wh...
gamesmaker profile image

Stem Cell Trial

Hi I have been trying to get on a stem cell trial, I have at last stayed in...
Hidden profile image

Has anyone had hart disease linked to liver disease

As many of you know I have cirrhosis, fatty liver & 9 bands tied off. After gett...
Ruby52 profile image


This is embrassing, but I decided to post . After 4months absent of alcohol I sl...
Bigplanet profile image

How to damage your liver - lessons from your genes

I recently posted a question on the "question" section asking if there were peop...
Hidden profile image

portal hypertension tipps

em25 profile image