Posts - British Liver Trust | HealthUnlocked

British Liver Trust

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All posts for March 2013

High GGT but ultrasound clear?

Hi all, new to this but am greatly encouraged by the various posts here. Though...
briccolone profile image


Hello can anyone recommend an insurance group which deals with health issues li...
daisy11 profile image

High liver function tests

I have had high liver function test results for the past year and a half, fluctu...
Purpletop profile image
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has anyone had problems claiming benefits with chirrosis

bulmer5 profile image

Spiro Tablet Reduction

My Dr today has reduced my Spiro tablet to 100mg - was on 300 then last 200 now ...
Bigplanet profile image

ferroportin disease (type IV haemochromatosis)?

Hi Ive just joined. Diagnosed with ferroportin disease 15 yrs ago, had liver bio...

iv recently been put on the list,so forgive me if i sound a bit un imformed.

as i said on the above iv just been put on the transplant list,and to be honest ...
paulivicky profile image

BBC 2 9pm tonight (26th March) - Keeping Britain Alive: The NHS in a day

The NHS, bless it despite its shortcomings, keeps me alive, and probably keeps m...
Bolly profile image

The REAL Gilbert's syndrome ?

Hi been diagnosed in August but have been told its harmless even though past yea...
Mattieb profile image

overseas holiday - not wise said my liver consultant yet consultant in London said go for it

I am wondering if anyone has flown with AIH,PBC,Varices with portal hypertension...
daisy11 profile image

Spreadsheet picture

Example of how I type up my blood test results into a Microsoft Excel spreadshee...
Bolly profile image


Started this in response to comments on DustyDay thread 'blood test results'. ...
Bolly profile image


Back in 2010 I had problems with my liver and was Diagnosed with Fatty Liver whi...
Dustyday profile image

Organ transplant

There are a few posts/posters on here about liver transplants, or people with ad...
Bolly profile image

Diet - Important Aspect - a view Point

I have reposted this from another answer, but believe it is an important discuss...
Bigplanet profile image

fatty liver and tamoxifen

have been dx with fatty liver( after scan for kidney pain) and am currently taki...

fatty liver and tamoxifen

have been dx with fatty liver( after scan for kidney pain) and am currently taki...
jan-jan profile image

I've had ALD with varices since 2011 any one have any info on prognosis

I recently had blood tests showing normal liver function but abnormalities in my...
olliedog profile image

I am gaining weight and eating very little I'm.convinced its a tablet I'm taking urso or amitriptyline can anyone help. Me decide which x

karenlesley profile image

What is the difference between compensated and decompensated cirrhosis?

Pensylvania profile image

i was diagnosed with ald two years ago and stopped drinking straight away,haven,t touched a drop since then.i had ascites and odema

i don,t have ascites now,i have no yellowing of the skin,just wondered what the ...
bulmer5 profile image

Blood Test Update

Well had load more bloods take last week and consultants meeting etc. Yesterday ...
Bigplanet profile image

Can what you eat contribute to the itching??

Hello all,just wondered whether or not the food you eat has an effect on the itc...
Gizmo326 profile image


Hi peeps! well halfway through yet another punishing week in the T.C rehab! am p...
PunkyPaul profile image

Can I run a half marathon with poor liver function?

Since December I have had diarrhoea/loose stools all of the time and my urine is...
Saraht74 profile image

Should individual with liver disease undertake cardio vascular exercise when ascites is present?, If so kind of exercise how often & risks

It is frequently claimed that exercise is an essential element in the therapy as...
findasolution profile image

Do I have to declare anything for travel insurance?

I have not been diagnosed with anything but do I have to declare I have had lots...
sunflower1 profile image

Do you know this community ? is an international website dedicated to hepatitis B ...

i have just had a few of my meds changed for my autoimmune hepatiis, was wondering what other people took etc

Hidden profile image

Hi, anyone else here with a diagnosis of Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia of Liver?

It would be good to hear from anyone else who is living with this condition. My ...
Tootingalong profile image