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British Liver Trust

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All posts for September 2013

Hi I recently had a fibroscan done the result was 5.1 Kpa and LFTs were normal. Is this in Normal range?

I did not get a consultation. The operating nurse said a score between 5 and 7 K...
Marcoh profile image

Hi I recently had a fibroscan done the result was 5.1 Kpa and LFTs were normal. Is this in Normal range?

I did not get a consultation. The operating nurse said a score between 5 and 7 ...
Marcoh profile image

I have been scaned with liver fibrosis. Suggestive grade 3. I am overweight. Diagonised as NASH. is it reversible. Please help

joyghosh profile image
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Can someone advise. Do you contact your clinic in the case of having diarrhoea for few days. Says on tablets you should consult doctor as

Can affect absorption of tablets but gp doesn't know a lot about my immune suppr...
ANITARICHARDS profile image

help feeling scared need to see liver transplant department, but I feel so good whats up??

so im 28 I have had auto immune heapatitus since the age of 16, since then I hav...
ireland123 profile image

Hi there, I had liver transplant back in feb, although I feel great I'm still having discomfort in liver region any advice? P

Yarnie profile image

Not coping well.

After being off work for 4 weeks For liver damage that is yet to be diagnosed I'...
Luaramw profile image

Been off ill for 4 weeks with liver damage and still no results.

So far, I've been told to stay off work and have been for a month now, which isn...
Luaramw profile image

I have been diagnosed with auto immune hepatitis a few weeks ago. Any help welcome!

donkeymad profile image

Hi, Does anyone out there have Cirrhosis

I seem to be in the dark about my illness, I was with this in 2009, since then I...
TESSTED profile image

Hi ive just had blood tests done, and my liver ones are slightly up? should I be concerned? im watching my units right now,

kateline1 profile image

I love this forum.

As the wife of a husband with cirrhosis you can learn loads and you never feel ...
Hidden profile image

Heard of a CURE yet

Has anyone anywhere heard of them coming anywhere near getting a cure yet for Ci...
Ruby52 profile image

I had liver biopsy three week ago. Not yet had results. What questions should I ask when I see the gastroenterologist.

I do not understand all the levels that others talk about so don't know what's "...
Freckleface profile image

Anyone suffer from high bilirubin levels ?

Since having my gallblader out Im having problems with my bilirubin levels & in ...
kilby profile image

My daughter has biliary atresia unfortunately having portal hypertension

we have to travel her to Taiwan for her operation (livertransplant) but the doct...

Has anyone here had ascites in the past but no longer takes diuretics?

My gastro doctor is planning to take me off my 25mg of spiro in a few months. ...
JoJo profile image

Had my Gallblader out almost 2 years ago and ever since then im having problems with my bilirubin levels, my last test 12days ago it was 28.

I dont feel very well my eyes&skin are yellow and feel totaly run down and ive g...
kilby profile image

I would like to ask any who has had a liver Transplant and then gone on to go on holiday to a tropical climate where Malaria is a risk.

The reason I'm asking is that I had a transplant about 4 years ago, and have bee...
papataal profile image

Hepatitis C treatment

My broder suffer from Hepatitis C. His doctor prescribed two medicines "ZEffix 1...
amir_metal profile image

Sir. I was diagonised with NASH. Upper endoscopy result normal. But liver fibroscan report is confusion. It results came as Arfi 2.08

They suggested grade 3 fibrisis. Conclusion- hepatimegaly with fatty changes us ...

I am so pleased my consultant put me in touch with the BLT !! He is currently looking at my blood tests and i am having a scan soon,

All I know is , I have hep c and probably had 20 yrs. I am so so tired and ache ...
ciara49 profile image

Steroid Induced Type 2 Diabetes....

When I was 12 (14 years ago!!) I was diagnosed with Auto Immune Hepatitis. I hav...
jenniwren profile image

Hi! I am 33 years old. I have Hepatit C 1 b since 2009. Since 2013 January I started treatment with Pegintron Alfa 2 b (100 mg twice a week)

and Zadoxin/Timolin L(also twice a week). After 4 month it was negative. But af...
Fuad profile image

Can any moderator please tell me why I am not getting email updates even though they are switched on in my profile? Thanks.

nutrimar profile image

I have liver transplant 22 days ago, may i know how could cope on immunospes medicine, FK 506' which is disturbing me alot. Guidness require

mamjad profile image

Do anyone know a site where I can get a good protein diet for my father.

Dad was diagnosed with liver disease in February,he has tried really hard with h...
Beckyjohn1948 profile image

Transplant on the horizon

My husband had his assessment for transplant in May... He was told they wanted t...
pear-shaped profile image