my brother is drinking heavy again he liver is ok at moment but after years of drinking his brain has gone alcholic demintia no weight on him does not eat ect as a x drinker with liver cirriosis i dont wont to watch him drink himself to death which is what he is doing he has had 4 detoxs and longest of drink one month any advice would be greatfully recived
brother drinking again: my brother is... - British Liver Trust
brother drinking again

Hi steven..sorry to hear situation. I to have gone through similar issues as your brother, and of coyrse its not easy. I too have ALD, and detoxed twice and slipped. Is he getting alcohol advice from a counsellor, inwas spectale at first but a one to one session helps. If u see my posts you see my journey. Still on at home detox and camparol for carvings. Its difficult and needs support from partners, family and friends. What other meds is he on. Whats his diagnoses state...also if on fb join "living with cirrhosis" group a lot of helpful similar friends, ramily and partners as a support group. Email me care and hope bro can work throu this...its a hard road snd needs support and not nagging if tbat makes sense.
Omg. Very similar to me ..spiro, omp, thamin, vit b, propononal. On camparol at moment but too not really doing much. As said and sounds like u been there its a hard road, my partner too been there as well. Whats his said i got ALD, decompstated, ascities, varices...etc..prognosis is worset 15 at best. As can see cant he on this site?
assaid all his organs are ok at moment got alcholic memory short time memory keeps reapting himself due to not eating properly under wieght and at high risk of stroke or heart attack or renal faliure body can only take so much . as u no alchol effects ever one in a differnt way liver heart brain stomach ect 3 mates have passed away this year and my cousins 2 of them all alchol realated he not on this site cant use computer forgets passwords ect and how to use remotes for tv was a fit man now cant walk more than 200 yards then knacked gets cabs everwere just hope detox comes in time he not well making parents ill as well with worry# as for me i am onspiro mexavant xl meater formin and simastatins oh and quinne sulphate for leg cramps i was given two years when still drinking will need transplant just question when prob 1 -5 years who nos will support my brother just reminds me of guess who me
My family is littered with alcoholics so I know what you must be feeling. There is nothing you can do for your brother that you probably have not already done. First, your brother must acknowledge to himself that he is an alcoholic...truly...that means never drinking again EVER - NEVER!!! Even if he reach a point where he would be feeling healthy and energetic. No all..There is no safety net for an alcoholic. If they drink, they will die before their time...FACT...and ruin a lot of relationships, fracture families. My brother was a shy guy, good looking, extremely bright and successful. He thought he had his drinking under control as he slowly slipped down into the black hole of drink. He finally went to the AA and lived his last 5 years in clarity and love and forgiveness with the understanding that his addiction ruined his health. In the end, it was his courage and his love (not us) that gave him strength to overcome his drinking...Had he done this 10 years earlier, he would be here today writing this to you instead of me. Good luck...My advice...your brother is an alcoholic, he needs to seek help (not you for him) and you need to tell him that. That is all you can do.
This of course is a very sad story and one common within our community. Its an addiction that is difficult and painful to stop, top worse than drug addiction. I honest feel for your continued support, he will need it and Art I also greave for your lose. Again only he can decide to have proper detox help, but without know the details I hope its not too late. ? Both you steven a nd bro be strong and Art heart felt thoughts to you...x
Thanks for that...I totally understand how hard it is for someone who has a drinking problem to stop. People who sit in judgement of others with drinking problems including the person who is the alcoholic do not understand the condition. If Steven4 brother is drinking again there is little he can for his brother except ask him to stop and do not drink around him. My brother was so pissed off with himself when he found out he was dying after he stopped I said before, .he just left it too late...but he didn't drink again...he wasn't going to let his killer win that final his funeral, they said that he 'raged into the light...' The saddest thing was his 3 year old son trying to climb into the coffin with him...The legacy lives on...its all in the genes....