Polls - British Liver Trust | HealthUnlocked

British Liver Trust

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If you’re a patient of alcohol services, how would you prefer to access information that might be useful to know about your liver health?

Where are you joining us from?

Can you help researchers decide on a title for a new patient support role?

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We would like your help prioritising some new web pages that have been suggested. Which of these do you think should we work on first?

If you are looking at a page on our website, would it help to know roughly how long it will take to read it?

Where are you joining us from?

Would it be helpful for our information to include a guide on how to pronounce complicated medical words?

What information on the liver and your condition have you been given, and from where?

Which best describes what happened when you were first seen by a medical professional?

At what point after your symptoms started did you seek medical help?

What were the first main symptoms of your liver condition?

Have you been diagnosed with a liver condition by a professional?

Do you think the UK's alcohol laws should change?

Do you feel that transplant centres are appropriately situated in the UK?

How well do you feel your condition has been managed over the last year?

Write a post or ask a question