portal hypertension tipps: - British Liver Trust
portal hypertension tipps

Hi Em25. What would you like to know?
wife had a tipps proceedure last year she would like to know the prognosis she has nash cirrhosis childsB
Hi Ems. It depends upon how badly the liver is scarred. If it's not too bad and was diagnosed early, she could maintain a good level of health if she watches her diet, loses weight (gently) and gets plenty of exercise.
If, like me, it was caught too late to do anything about, then a liver transplant would be the option ( had mine in January and now feeling great!).
I tried my hardest to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and had good success for about 16 months. But I couldn't arrest the progress of the disease.
It would be best if she questions the docs at the hospital, and asks to see a dietician. They will be able to advise you better than me.
Hope all goes well, and wish your wife well for me.
If this has been diagnosed via a gastropopany then your should be on proponanol poss 60-80 mg. If serious banding...
banding didnt work hence the tipps she has been told only to walk round the house and garden when she goes out use wheelchair also try to keep full blood count down to 9