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British Liver Trust

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All posts for April 2014

Pbc and lymph nodes

Just come back from specialist today and although my lft are almost back to norm...
cazz22 profile image

I've not long been told i have gallstones but after an attack last night i need to know what foods i should be eating and ones to avoid .

littlelady41 profile image

Newly Diagnosed with Auto Immune Hepatitis

Hello, I have just been diagnosed with auto immune hepatitis after developing ...
Sah27 profile image
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How long did you have to wait for a first appointment with gastroenterologist in hospital (NHS)?

I was just wondering how long people have waited for a first appointment at hosp...
Alma_Matters profile image

12 months ago I had very deranged LFT`s and jaundice. It was found to be caused by flucloxicillin

has anyone else suffered deranged LFT`s with Jaundice with this antibiotic , and...
liz47 profile image

Fibroscan results.

Hi peoples, brand new to this site. Found it on google by typing fibroscan liver...
Slardy profile image

Itchy Skin

I have recently getting itchy every where in my whole body including head, face,...
johnho82 profile image

The heartache HE causes...

I find it very difficult to believe that this condition can be so draining... I ...
pear-shaped profile image

I was diagnosed with cirrohsis earlier this year.

Lately I have been waking up about 1.30/2am with hot restless legs and unable to...
Peeps7 profile image

Anyone ever had external signs of liver/gallbladder problems plus high GGT?

Hi everyone. I've been a lurker for some time but decided it's time to post my e...
crusti_croc profile image

i was born with billiard atresia and cannot find any one in similar position i have my own liver and have no jaundice, but have had from tim

i am 55 yeas old and have had four children i managed reasonably well with perio...
diaxos profile image

Is it good to drink coffee if you have fatty liver disease?

Is it good to drink coffee if you have fatty liver disease? - does coffee reduce...
jupsy profile image

"In God All Things Are Possible."

I believe in prayer. I pray we all become more knowledgeable on our journey toge...

Just diagnosed with early Cirrhosis

Yesterday I had my gallbladder removed, and after the operation, he told me that...
sharon7 profile image

i have cirrohsis and i dont know how bad it is they told me to be put on liver tranplant list.i have ascities low sodium high and low blood

wynnee profile image

Is there anyone on here experiencing cirrhosis and HCC? My dad has recently been diagnosed.

The HCC is small and locally treatable but he cant have treatment until his live...
choc_2014 profile image

Bile duct

I was wondering, I have had AIH OVERLAP since I was about 11 or 12, I never fou...
Karlimc93 profile image

relative diagnosed with sclerosis of the liver - what to expect?

Hi, My Uncle has been diagnosed with sclerosis of the Liver, after having been r...
Mrs_Somerset profile image

Has anyone developed a colitis post liver transplant?

And if so, do you know why? My local GI is a bit useless — he has contradicted h...
SunnySideUpDawn profile image

Help! Advice needed!

Hi everyone, I would really like some advice ... In January I had routine blood...
Alma_Matters profile image

An kidney stones manifest as ache/intermittent pain in back, under ribs? Is it often linked to cirrhosis?thanks

Have cirrhosis from Nash. Pain under ribs, both sides with enlarged spleen and l...

I've now seen a gastro consultant who thinks it's my stomach not working properly that makes me ill, not my herniated liver.

I've now got to have a test which is similar to a barium swallow to see if my st...
Hidden profile image

New to this:¿

My GGT liver results came back 267.0 and my alt is 67. My Dr. Is sending me to a...

Can LFTS be normal in cirrhotic liver

Hii everyone, I would very much like to get some advice on liver cirrhosis diag...
mahhe profile image

have cirohsis they just told me i need to be put on tranplant list dose that mean its that bad i have edema,high blood pressure,itchy skin,

wynnee profile image

Sorry me again! Is there any reason why I would be getting severe pain which feels like heartburn/reflux, tried antacids with no relief. It

Started last night, kept me awake most of the night. Has anyone else experienced...
Katface profile image

Average life span of someone with Cirrhosis + Portal & Ascites

Hi there, My mom has been diagnosed with Cirrhosis and I've narrowed it down to ...
x0adam0x profile image

HE (Hepatic Encephalopathy)

We have been asked to provide feedback on carer experiences for those who have c...
BLTHollyDawson profile image

My doctor has been reducing my antidepressants in case they have been contributing to my high ALT 400+ this means my anxiety is returning. A

Am I ok to take propananol which was prescribed when I first started my antidepr...
Katface profile image

unexplained fluctuating lfts for 2.5 years also for the passed year on and off have been nothing but ill :(

Hi I was just wondering if anyone could help as I have already said my liver fun...