New here.
I'm writing principally as I've started to become debilitated by anxiety over the past few years. I drink a lot more than is good for you, and it works perfectly while I'm on it, but it's recently got a little bit much.
I still function well, but that mask is starting to slip. I go to bed late drinking, and get up late, and I just about cover it up. Been doing that for a while, but it's wearing a bit thin now.
I've been to my Doc loads of times, but I only ever get Anxiety / Panic Attack print offs, which are absolutely uselelss to me.
I've had panic attacks since my first one aged 16 (remember it like it was yesterday).
Have had them regularly, ever since (25+ years).
I've had the 'just about to die' situations more than I can mention (well before I was drinking heavily). With friends, at the football, and more recently in work, which was the most embarrassing.
I want them to stop, dearly.
I've even been to the ER (A+E) a few times, thinking I was dying, only to be told they couldn't find anything wrong after all the checks. So what an incredible waste of time and money.
I'm now convinced it's Anxiety. And a severe form at that. The doctors don't seem to want to go down that road for whatever reason, but I really need something to calm me down.
Whilst drinking, I've taken some anti sickness meds (Cyclizine) from a previous condition, which bizarrely seem to ease my anxiety that comes from all the alcohol the next day.
I'm now thinking about sourcing some Valium, Xanax, diazepam etc, online?
Any ideas would be gratefully received - (except for any give up the booze suggestions)