Would love a little bit of help?
Hi everyone, I've never been on these sites before but thought i'd give them a shot.
I am 23 and I have suffered from anxiety and panic for about 9 years now. I finally got to grips with it all for the last year or two, don't get me wrong i still had it but i was coping and enjoying life again with holidays and doing amazing things. But for the last few months, i have been awful with panic attacks and anxiety. More recently, for the last 6 weeks i have been in pieces. I've had the worst palpitations ever, they feel like a random huge off beat in my chest and i feel as though I am going to die. They make me feel sick and i panic so much. I went for an ECG and it came back that I just had a fast heart rate (was having anxiety whilst having it done). I've been for blood tests and waiting to hear the results. I truly am in pieces right now, i finally got better but now I'm hardly getting out of bed, I'm anxious and panicky 24/7, barley eating, lost so much weight in 3 weeks, can't workout because when i do i have palpitations and I'm also waiting for the next palpitation to hit me. I write this message in tears because I'm so upset I'm so ill. Does anyone else get these awful massive palpitations etc? or anyone else having similar problems?
Sorry for the long message.
Many thanks,