Hello I have been taking fluoxetine now for just over two weeks and I feel dreadful. Has anybody had terrible hand tremors and a feeling of butterflies almost in the chest, I don’t sleep. I don’t suffer with depression just terrible anxiety. I feel like I’m full of adrenaline and need calming down. Is it worth continuing with this medication. I feel worse. I never have any luck with anti depressants. Just want to feel normal and get on with life.
fluoxetine : Hello I have been taking... - Anxiety Support

Hello i felt this way many times..Right now im shaking...we will get over this..stay strong..
All love and support ..good health to you
I felt like i'd made a mistake for the first month... a terrible mistake but my doctor assured me that this is part of the process of the meds taking effect ...and he was right. That is my experience anyway. Ideally we don't take meds at all but sometimes they are necessary to get us through some rough times. There is light at the end of the tunnel, just keep swimming and always reach out for support.
Hi James. Thank you for replying. That is really re assuring. I have heard you feel worse before you feel better and this is normal but it’s so hard and you just want to stop the meds. Thanks again for the support. Xx
Hi, have taken fluoxetine twice, both times initially increasing my anxiety to a point I thought I couldn’t carry on with it, but have also been there before with other meds, so knew I had to try. The first time I took it, the increased anxiety eased and it did help with panic attacks a lot. It seems so unfair a meds that you take for anxiety often initially makes things worse. I wish I never stopped it now really , as when i tried again it didn’t get any better. I have never had anny success going back on ones that have helped, even with increases in doses, I don’t know why, as I always wait at least 12 weeks. Its so hard as I think ideally you have to give medication 8-12 weeks to really see if it will work. I have had some where the increased anxiety has been awful and then just gradually stops. Keeping. Diary of symptoms, reading others in forums and speaking to your gp can all be helpful. Sometimes what works for one, doesn’t. Work for another person and it you don’t start to get periods of feeling an improvement after the start up rubbish eases, then it probably isnt the right one. I hope things get better for you. Occasionally I have been given a couple of weeks of diazapam for the start up symptoms and found that helpful. That is really gp dependent as they don’t like to prescribe them but if you have them for a short time it can ease the process. Good luck
Hello. Thank you so much for replying. have been the same with two other meds and it’s horrible. You feel more anxious and this time I have the shakes. It would be so easy to just stop taking them but I need to at least give it a bit longer. I just want something you calm me down. You’re right though doctors don’t like proscribing diazepam. I have been doing a log. I hope you found something that worked for you. Thank you again for the help and advice xx
Hi. I’m having a bit of a rough time coming off sertraline and starting doxepin, which is old school. I think I have been on most SSRIs over the years and they just don’t seem to agree with me anymore. Maybe age, hormones or just my body (or all 3). I have blurred vision and increased anxiety at 3 weeks, but trying not to lose hope as some of the symptoms could be from the withdrawal from sertraline. I have just been prescribed Prochlorperazine for short term relief, but stupidly read the side effects and patients experience on Google. I know that is never a good thing, but I am now terrified to try it!! I feel as if I am my own worst enemy at times. Like you I just want to feel a little peace of mind and a break from the exhausting impact of anxiety and panic. I have got my meds right previously, so I have not lost all hope. The next time I find one that works, I am never coming off it!! Good luck with your journey 😊
Hello. Thank you so much for replying. I have been on setraline twice. This too seemed to make me more anxious and I had palpitations. I must admit apart from the odd brain zap I came off them quite easily. Then I’ve tried amitriptyline and that made me more anxious and I have been left with tingling in my legs. It’s so difficult getting the right one isn’t it and one works for one person may not work for another. It’s exhausting. Ooo I’ve not heard of prochlorperzine. I am exactly the same as you I go straight on Google and frighten myself I did the same again with the fluoxetine and didn’t take it for a while. It’s so hard isn’t it you just want some relief. What strength are they. Could you cut them I half. I do that sometimes Thank you so much again it helps when you know you’re not on your own. Take care and I hope you find some relief and feel better on the new meds xxxx
When i get anxiety attacks its awful..The doctor changed my meds ..
Rivotril seems to agree with me..i feel fine quickly..ask your doctor if you can take RIVOTRIL...you will feel better fast..its makes you sleepy and calm...only half or quarter of a tablet is required..you can try it..see how you feel..its great.
Hello you are right they’re terrible. I just feel full of adrenaline all the time and find it hard to relax. I’ve not heard of that one. That’s exactly what I want to feel calm. It’s such a process as it takes so long for fluoxetine to kick in. Xx
If those are new symptoms please tell the prescriber immediately.
I have not heard of Prozac causing hand tremors so that is cause for alarm.
The other symptoms is cause for alarm also.