Very new to this...currently at work but can't stop googling "is it anxiety?" and "why can't I convince myself it's anxiety?". I'm a 23 year old female, regularly exercises and eat quite well, but I have had my fair share of stress since the age of 15, and I am getting married in 8 months. I've seen 3 different doctors in the last 2 months, one in A+E when I thought my heart was coming out of my chest and in so much pain, blood pressure fine, ECG fine, told I had too much to drink at the weekend. Then I went out a few weekends after and started to get weird tummy sensations, making my muscles tense and feel nauseous, heartburn, headaches, all the symptoms under the sun. I was given omeprazole which has helped with the acid. I was informed a colleague of mine has been diagnosed with terminal cancer at this time, it's so awful to say but I do struggle thinking the worst for myself also, winding myself up. I saw another Doctor and told her my stresses and worries, I don't get pains at all, dull aches at the most and that's mostly because I am constantly thinking about every feeling and movement in my body, every minute of everyday. She told me to keep up my fitness and eat more fibre as well as counselling. I've been seeing a therapist for the last 2 weeks which has helped me a lot, and made me realise I really do struggles with having no control, which I have read a lot of similar stories on here. I finally convinced myself I'm okay and started to feel better this week for 2 days, I was buzzing, felt great, being able to support my colleague at work like how she needed from people. Then came today, I read a new story popped up on my FB, "Jane is trying to raise awareness of this type of cancer", I'm back to square one, petrified I'm ill. I don't want to resort to blood tests, as I made myself feel better myself already but I can't keep the stress and worry off I have great awareness but struggle to have the strength to shrug this off. I'm sorry that was such a long story I feel like I've wanted to write all this out in front of me for a while. Any advice on relaxing at work? Apart from avoiding social media at lunch
Social Media Triggers: Very new to this... - Anxiety Support
Social Media Triggers
littlemissworry, the answer is simple in that you must not Google...It gives a generalized synopsis of symptoms and makes a diagnosis. Medical research doesn't work like that. Each patient, taken their health history, is given individualized study by their doctor. Just because a colleague has been diagnosed with Cancer doesn't mean it will happen to you. That's what you need to keep in mind right now. It's okay to support your co worker in her struggle as long as you can keep your distance with unwanted negative thoughts regarding your own health.
As for relaxing at work, that needs to start at home on a daily basis. I use meditation and deep breathing as a form of escape, letting go of stress. Once you program yourself to response to some peace and calm, it will follow you everywhere whether at home or work.
Using proper deep breathing at work is an invisible way of providing calm to both your mind and body. I wish your friend well. She is very fortunate to have a caring supportive co worker, just don't let it bring you down and your anxiety up. We are here to support you. x
Thank you very much I've said for a while I'll try yoga/ meditation so now I really need to put it to the test. I find running helps, the pains/aches all disappear until my mind remembers I had forgotten how I felt before! If you don't mind me asking, do you suffer from physical symptoms of anxiety? I do feel like when I had too much to drink and felt embarrassed by my actions the night before it put me into a state of paranoia and anxiousness that now won't go away. I really appreciate your support, thank you so much x
At this point of time, physical symptoms from anxiety are nil. Maybe a little stomach butterflies in the morning, but that's easily dismissed. I don't drink but I do know that alcohol does dehydrate the body and tends to make anxiety worse as well as causing heart flutters. After a night of socializing w/alcohol, it's best to hydrate the next day to bring that balance back. Some even have a glass of water between drinks to offset the alcohol.
I hope you feel better soon. It too will pass x
I really think you are over thinking when it comes to the cancer. Because I over think a lot and gets me all pumped up from anxiety. Which is not really good. Anxiety can make us think of the worst possible conclusion. I think you're healthy, if the doctors saw something, they would say something. Just remember, you're ok , I'm trying to learn that myself. It's just anxiety. So don't worry, I understand where you are coming from. And relaxing at work? I think you should use essential oils that help with anxiety and stress. I use some sometimes and it calms me down . But try some new things that might help and then you can figure out which one helps you'll be ok!
Thank you so much, I have ordered some lavender oil for my desk, might invest in a little plant too, fingers crossed that keeps me calm Yeah it's true, the world is a scary place and the most bizarre news stories in the world being shoved in your face online doesn't help! Just need to find some sort of coping mechanism, when I first saw your message and saw the word cancer my whole body flared up and my eyes nearly came out of my head, I didn't even read what you said properly which again pretty much tells me I'm worrying myself sick with no real reason. Thank you kindly for your advice, I really really appreciate it x