Ive been depressed and anxious for about 2 months now. I have tried paxil, effexor, abilify, lexapro, zoloft and now viibryd. I am being weaned off zokoft even tho I was only on it 6 weeks. My anxiety is very high right now, not sure if it's from the weaning. I have been to 3 different hospitals and almost checked myself into psych ward but to scared. I am to a point of feeling like it's hopeless, nothing is going to work. Anyone else feel this way. I really honestly can't take much more 😩
Struggling: Ive been depressed and... - Anxiety and Depre...

Sorry you're struggling right now. I know it's scary to go to the mental hospital but once you get there and get on the right meds you start to feel better. And you will enjoy groups and activities too.
WILD! I've had anxiety and depression for... my whole life... but I've been working on it and getting meds for a while, and over the course of like, 4 years, I havent been prescribed half that many
Have you ever thought about doing nothing about your anxiety and letting it be there? In my experience, you will get better when you stop trying all sorts of things to get better.
If you learn to accept your anxiety and all associated symptoms, instead of fighting it [and the main reason it hangs around] , recovery will be just a matter of time.
Hope this helps.
Wendee, don't give up hope. I found The Depression Cure by Dr Stephen Ilardi. Try it. I think it might help you.
Changing those meds frequently is difficult for your system. Meds are just one element to a complete treatment plan. Meditation/prayer, yoga or other exercise, eating healthy (fruits and veggies and reduce processed foods), music, therapy, support groups, etc. all play vital role in your wellness.
I have been on Effexor, which worked well for me. I am on 50% of my original dose and continuing to do a slow taper as weaning can be difficult for certain people that are more sensitive to the side effects.
Please be careful with moving between the different medications! Happy to answer any questions as well and sorry you are going through this as I understand how dark it can get but just know there is hope and people that care!
My cousin went through a bunch of SSRIs and it was only when his psychiatrist got him to stick with one for 6 months that it started to work. But I don't know if that's a common response or not...
Effexor (in the generic form) helped me after a psych ward experience, seven years ago. I continue to take it. I still experience very low points but have make steps to managed them. Deep breathing and meditation helps me a great deal. I have yet to get back to regular aerobic exercise which I know will be an even greater help. I do not have a therapist which is a long standing problem in my community. There are no available and affordable therapists. That is why I took measures on my own to help when I have dark days.
I too recommend going to the psych ward. I learned a lot and was treated well.
I hope this advise helps Wendeeeee! Best of luck to you.
A mental health clinic might help, especially one with therapy sessions. It would be out patient so you wouldn't have the fear of going to a psych ward.