Hi-I'm really struggling with anxiety and depression. I've been going in downspirals basically once a month or so. This time I was in bed for a week. My stress is through the roof. I'm a teacher and it's so much stress and pressure I can't take it. I'm in Year 10 and my admin and a few other teachers have treated me terribly for missing so much work. They know about my mental health struggles. I can't trust many people. I just moved and my house is in disarray. My daughter might have ADHD and has been getting in trouble at school. I can't stop the up and down. I have a psychiatrist and a therapist, I'm on Lamictal as a mood stabilizer and switched to Prozac from Lexapro. I just had increased my Prozac dose. I returned to school today, was forced into an HR meeting and told that if I'm back, and released by my psychiatrist to work again, I need to be on my "A" game immediately. And then right after found out my co-workers told my principal I'm underperforming behind my back. And it's like a slap in the face. I wish they would've come to me first. I thought we were friends too.
I was crying and hysterical tonight and I don't even know what I'm saying when I talk to people I'm close with. It's just a stream of anxious and horrible thoughts. I feel like I'm dying inside. I feel like everytime I have a panic attack or emotional meltdown I'm so devastated I want to die. I don't want to kill myself or have any plans. But if I feel like I want to die many times during the day, am I in crisis? I'm not sure if I should be hospitalized. But I feel trapped in my job and I have to make a living, but I am unraveling. The pressure and guilt are just a vicious cycle. I feel like I have to be well now and perform at work and I have to pretend I'm ok. I love my students but it's too hard.
I have parents that could support me if I took a medical leave. But I feel to guilty doing that to my parents in their late 70's. My husband is very supportive emotionally but He can't financially support us if I go on disability.
I don't know what to do. But going back to school today was worse than I ever imagined. I'm terrified of being there and yet being without work terrifies me just as much. I am lucky with all I have, my husband and daughter and family and friends. I used to be happy as a teacher. I feel like a failure for not being able to manage my mental health like I used to be able to do.
Any kind words or advice would really help me feel less alone in my terrifying mind. Thanks for reading this.