What things does your anxiety/depression keep you from doing?
Question?: What things does your... - Anxiety and Depre...

personally my anxiety keeps me from being social. I get anxious about whether I can trust others, so at places like work while everyone sits with their friend group I go outside to eat alone๐Iโve been asked why I eat alone and Iโve lied to say I โwant to get fresh air outsideโ but itโs because itโs happened to me before where Iโve welcomed somebody into my life and they just take from me in some way or cross major boundaries. ๐ฅบI know I canโt assume or be paranoid but I always try to gauge how much I can share with people
I understand. It sounds like you had a bad experience with someone. So your alittle hesitant to be around people. More of a trust issue. Just remember one thing everyone is different and there are good people and bad ones. The bad ones you need to not have in your life. And I think once you start to open up around people you will feel more relaxed. You will get to know people and trust me you will know if their right for you.
Good luck!!!!
Yes I genuinely love people and building relationships but just trying to find the right ones. I get that some people donโt know they betrayed others, but I canโt just let them back in again! Others I feel like if you really pay attention you can kind of sense they are aware of their behavior๐especially if you speak up and they do it again
No I wouldn't let the people that have betrayed me either back in my life.Absolutely they are aware of their behavior. You just have to be cautious about people. The more you get to know them you will see that and you will know if their genuine. Those are the ones that you want to keep in your life. It's hard to find people like that. When you do it's a blessing to have them. And you will.๐ค
Mine keeps me from being around others although yesterday I managed to go to a work event and got through it despite the amount of peopleAlso I find that things I previously enjoyed I don't really feel like doing anymore I used to love to read, watch movies and now both these things can be triggering, I'm trying hard to overcome this and still do things that make me uncomfortable so I can learn to love old hobbies again
That's great that you went to your work event. That's an accomplishment that you should be proud you did.
I like to read too. I'm reading a book now by Mel Robbins. And I too watch movies. I think I watch more cooking programs then anything.๐
You should keep reading and watching movies It's something that you always loved. I would go back to doing it. I think once you do it you will enjoy it again.
Good Luck!!!!
I love cooking shows too ๐ Yes I really want to but the reason I stopped was that certain things were triggering me it wasn't logical but the only way I could my anxiety was by not watching or reading or only reading things that I had read before so as not to be surprised, does that make sense?
Yes it makes alot of sense.Then I would just watch and read what makes you comfortable.
I have a friend that watches alot of the same programs over and over again. Like alot of the same movies. He enjoys them even if he has seen them. Nothing wrong with that.
Yes same I know they won't trigger me whereas something new potentially will, I need to try and change this though I hope for the day anxiety no longer controls my life ๐
Maybe try watching something new and if it starts making you anxious then turn the channel to something you like.
Anxiety is a horrible thing to have. I have it too. I have a fear of flying and I too need to change the way I think about it. I had a bad experience flying and ever since then I'm scared.
Mine started all of a sudden I watched something and then couldn't stop thinking about it I had debilitating anxiety for weeks, I thought it was a one off and then it happened again just out of the blue I had anxiety when I was younger but nothing like this and then it came back full force
Almost sounds like PTSD. Are you familiar with that? Mine too came out of the blue.I was going through alot of things in my life. Then that's when it started. And ever since then I have had it. I can say it was worse before. Now it's not as bad, but I still have it. Unfortunately it's not curable just manageable.
Yes I have heard of it, I did go through some things as a child which I have blocked out, maybe certain things trigger memories? mine is worse now than it was before but I am getting there slowly, I hope it becomes manageable soon
Yes certain things do trigger memories.It happens when you have gone through certain traumatic events in your life.
Sorry it's so bad. I do hope it gets better and your able to manage it. It's a everyday thing we just have to live with. Some days are better then others. I notice to when I don't get enough rest it seems worse for me.
Mine kept me from leaving my house without medication.
Everything from small gatherings, grocery shopping, walking in my neighborhood, anything enjoyable that others were doing. I could go on and on
The good thing, that's gone and so is the need for medication
I'm so happy to hear that it's better for you now, is it OK to ask what made a difference for you?
It took lots of therapy to turn this around. I had so many fears in my overthinking brain.
I have PTSD so really needed to start focusing on staying in the present.
It was strange when I started to notice the anxiety was gone. I remember saying.... is this how " normal" people feel.
That's amazing, I hope I get there one day
For a while I couldn't manage to leave the house. Now I just lose interest in my hobbies , cancel social activities. I'll isolate.
Leaving the home alone. Recreation activities I used to like. Social activities with former coworkers.
Oh my.....where to begin....the most disturbing thing for me is that I no longer try and see the good in people.....my work has made my mind very distorted when I am away from work....I suffer from ptsd, anxiety, and depression.....my work has made me very cynical.....I am hypervigilant....always playing scenarios in my mind....always looking for escape routes..almost always trying to sit with a view of all entry/exit points....always determining what I will do if certain situations arise......always waiting for the other shoe to drop
Try not to think the worst. I do to. And you know what it never happens. It's the anxiety putting those thoughts into your head.
yes the anxiety of working in a maximum security prison for over 27 years..I didn't realize how violent one human being could be to another until about 5 years ago....definitely changes your perspective
I understand now why your thinking the way you are. It's job related. That's a very high stress job working in maximum security prison. It's dangerous. I would be on high alert too. There are some humans that can be violent I'm sure in there. So you are always watching your back to make sure that you stay safe.
Outside of prison there are some good people. And again there are some bad people too. It's not just prison that has them their all over. I do hope you are able to find some good people to make friends with and trust. It's not easy but I'm sure you will.
Good luck and do stay safe!!!!
it will be a lot better when I retire in the next couple of months...hopefully will get a little bit of normal back....whatever that is
Hi mizzou, unfortunately in this day and age we must be vigilant of our
surroundings at all times. Oh there are good people out there it's just
that no one trusts anyone anymore. People are actually taken back when
you want to help them. Working as you have within a prison unfortunately
shows you the worst of mankind. I know, the bad are mixed with the many
good on the outside as well. But I will not make my outside world a prison.
I will continue to know my surroundings, playing out escape routes. It's
important to be aware and keep yourself safe. The other shoe may drop
one day, but hopefully I will be prepared and not unaware. Stay Safe xx
Trusting people, honestly.
It takes time to trust people again especially if someone has broken your trust in them.
I would say be cautious with who you trust.
Not everyone can be trusted.
I do hope you are able to find some good people that you can trust.