So,I'm suffering from PTSD and Anxiety after witnessing my husband die in 2013,I feel as if I can't breath sometimes and I can't swallow .I am scared to take medication,I've been doing research.I've READ many posts and it seems some medication makes the patient worst with More and more anxiety and trouble sleeping.I used to have a problem with sleeping but not anymore. I'm turning to this support group,what works for you guys ?? What medication helped you get better? To be honest I'm sometimes afraid to take medication,I feel like I might die from it .I know it sounds crazy but it's a possibility and I don't want to hear voices in my head either.So,I'm at my wits end I just want to get better.Please,someone help me !! Has anyone been cured from Anxiety and PTSD,out there ?? If so I'd like to hear you're story ...Bottom line I want to feel NORMAL again like I used too..
Medication for Anxiety and PTSD - Anxiety and Depre...
Medication for Anxiety and PTSD

Hi Pangie,
So sorry to hear of your experiences.
I'm not much into the idea of medications either.
However just in case it's of any benefit to you I'll let you know a couple of things. I've been troubled with anxiety and found that magnesium tablets help with the physical symptoms.
I've also recently read that certain vitamins can help lift low mood, so I'm going to start on multivitamins tomorrow.
I hope things get better for you soon.
Before reading my answer, I want you to take a few deep breaths for a couple of seconds and feel the calmness within you.
From your explanation, I would take the liberty to assume that you are spending too much time alone. Presence of someone else isn't making you comfortable either. My point being that you are trying to bottle up too many emotions and not all of them are pleasing.
I have been there, so I know it. Even I am of the opinion that medications aren't the best option. However, every single individual has a different body type, and what happened to others doesn't necessarily affect you in a similar fashion.
When you say that you have been researching and reading posts, I am assuming those are Internet posts. Therefore being skeptical about medicines isn't an ideal thing to do. The doses of medications depends on the severity of the anxiety/depression. Some may take days, some may take weeks and few might take months.
I hope this helps you in eliminating your fear of medicines.
Reaching out to a support group like this is the first step. It proves your determination to fight your weakness, isn't it? Therefore, I would like to congratulate you!!!!
All that is required is similar efforts that seems miniscule in nature but are largely significant in reducing anxiety.
If you want to hear my story, I would say that eliminating anxiety is next to impossible, but reducing it to an extent where it no longer bothers you is definitely possible.
Here are some quick tips for you:
1. Exercise everyday.
2. Eat healthy.
3. Don't google your symptoms.
4. Express yourself freely in the support group.
5. Don't isolate yourself. Take a nice stroll down the beach, road or whatever.
My best wishes to you. Let me know how it goes for you. Please take care.
I'm very sorry for your loss, there are just no words to say really.
For sure read the posts of people who have had success with medication as well, Dubba just put up a good comment for someone who is also looking for what works. It is trial and then try again for a while till you find what works best for you . Some people prefer to go medication free, it takes a lot of work, walks, and yoga, meditation etcs., all those things raise your body's natural endorphins. Others like my self are on a small dosage of an antidepressant, and again it does seem to be working. I still have dark days, just not for as long and not as dark. But as has been said before; 'there is no magic pill', or one thing that cures all. And everyone is different. I also did a lot of group therapy with grief and loss, and letting go, as well as one on one therapy. Keep sharing too that helps, it's cathartic, and helps take some of the power out of our stuff, even if it's just a little bit, everything helps.
I have also been diagnosed with PTSD but rather than taking specific medicine for it (I have taken anti depressants though) i did EMDR light therapy. It sounds totally bogus but it actually worked pretty well for me (didn't totally cure but helped tremendously) I would look into it!!