Posts - Advanced Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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All posts for September 2020

Testosterone Therapy in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer / June 2019

Good video: see link below Abraham Morgentaler, MD, explains new concepts that ...
George71 profile image

Are there really fewer side effects with surgical castration over luprin?

I had my biopsy 3 years ago 3/4. I had a prostectomy. My PSA stayed down up to...

Current status of immune therapy

What is the status of immune therapy for treatment of prostate caner? Several y...
Shepard profile image
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ESK981 trial

Has any member been in this trial and if so what kind of results did you have? T...
lewicki profile image

Why has my PSA declined dramatically since Xtandi failed?

Diagnosed in 2006 with prostate cancer which had spread beyond my prostate. Rece...
BillDoc profile image

Dr Drake

Wondering if anyone else heard of Dr Drake making changes to his practice? Not s...
podsart profile image

MCP benefits aggressive prostate cancer?

Dozens of peer-reviewed, published studies, including peer-reviewed human clinic...

Docetaxel and Carboplatin side effects

On Thursday 9-10, my husband had his first treatment with Docetaxel and Carbopla...
Loves2golf profile image

My husband's experience with Xtandi

I wanted to share my husband's recent experience with Xtandi (go to my profile a...
WildRose6 profile image

Erleada without ADT?

Had IMRT to prostate and pelvic lymph nodes in Dec 2015. PSA in August 2019 was ...
novatimo profile image

How's your whiskers after ADT?

I've been on Casodex and Eligard for about 10 months now. My beard has virtually...
Doseydoe profile image

Did 9.11 miles to honor those murdered on 9/11

Also picking up Abiraterone. Kaiser MO hasn't okayed SWITCH to Dexamethasone fr...
dockam profile image

Our Saga so far...and an observation about quality of care

I've been lurking here for a couple of years but it's time for me to introduce m...
WildRose6 profile image


I just found this, a new study from Sweden and Tokyo, which made me a little hop...

Another story that brings me hope.

JNunes profile image

Has anybody experienced a drop in platelets??

I have been experiencing a continuing drop in Platelets over the past few months...
redbank profile image

Advice-as with many here PC metastatic gleason 9 psa last blood test 0.21

Recently heart rate 120/140 told by onc stop abiraterone. Angiogram result heart...
Dondodoc profile image

What are some of the best Supplements to start off with? Maybe just 1-2.

Hello Everyone. I've managed to finally convince my dad to start supplements. He...
Cheerr profile image

Different sensitivity to ADT depending on Gleason

Hello! My father send this to me as an argument for him (Gleason 9) to start ear...

Dexamethasone with Zytiga

Looks like my husband switching steroid is getting some traction! 9.4 down to 4....
Cynthgob profile image


SsgCulldelight, has anyone heard from him?
ucladany profile image

Patterns of Cancer Progression of Metastatic Hormone-sensitiveProstate Cancer in the ECOG3805 CHAARTED Trial

"ECOG3805 is a randomized trial of testosterone suppression with or without doc...
tango65 profile image

Darolutamide improves OS 31% at three years with good SE profile.

Here is the abstract from NEJM today on Nubequa. Risk of death at three years d...

Relay Thera phase one clinical trial RLY1971

I started on this trial today. It is an SHP2 inhibitor. Anyone else singing this...
PeakClimber profile image

ADT not working?

63 y/o in Colorado 2010: PSA check: elevated (around 7) 2011: PSA check: 9 Bio...
CharlieBC profile image

Poker Legend Succumbs to Prostate Cancer

I was shocked to learn of Mike Sexton's passing from prostate cancer at age 72. ...
Hidden profile image

ADT & SARS-CoV-2 risk

New U.S. study below [1]. "The study cohort consisted of 1,779 men with prostate...
pjoshea13 profile image


Cabazitaxel - PSA continues to rise. Currently at 68. I know, I know PSA does no...
Hidden profile image

Zometa for strengthening bones

Hello Friends. During my last appt with my MO, he told me that I would no longer...
CountryJoe profile image

ADT drugs. Lupron vs Eligard; is one safer for Cardo issues than the other ???

I travel from NH to FL on regular basis. I have monthly ADT infusions of Lupron...
51na1a profile image