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PCOS UK (Verity)

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IUD / IUS, which one?!

Got diagnosed with PCOS in 2021 but have had symptoms for 10+ years. I’ve had...
SparklingPink profile image

Drop your self-care tips below ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Valentine’s Day can be a tough time to be on social media for many… and even for...
veritypcos profile image

Looking for some help

I was diagnosed with PCOS over 10 years ago and been suffering various symptoms ...
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why don’t doctors read notes 🤬

I have PCOS been diagnosed since I was 16 I’m now 23 and every time I ask to be ...

I’m loosing my confidence with dark areas caused by PCOS.I’m a roastie

hello . i have had PCOS for the longest of time. Bled for 2yrs and was able to ...
Amakz profile image

I'm struggling to find a drink alternative - any suggestions?

Hi everybody I'm new and I've been struggling a lot with changing my diet; So, I...
Pigeon-Lotus profile image

looking for pcos support! (new here)

Hey, everyone! I'm new here and I was advised to try and find folks with a simil...
sglodion-tatws profile image

Does the NHS care about their PCOS patients?

I was diagnosed with PCOS yesterday after 8 years of investigations. This is the...

I'm on the waiting list for my ovarian cyst removal operation next year and I am worried about it

I have been having problems with my periods as they have been really unpredictab...

1 day period

Hi, I went to then loo on Friday evening and I saw blood, and I thought my perio...
Anjum2010 profile image

Has anyone received help for PCOS.

Hi all, I am new here but I got diagnosed with PCOS last year during the start o...
Rebeccam95 profile image


Hi all, have recently been given desogestrel to take to try and help stop this c...
Dwl2408 profile image

Bleeding after trans vaginal ultrasound??

Hi all, please forgive me, I'm very new to this! I had a trans vaginal ultrasoun...
helen00x profile image

Why is my weight lose so slow am I on the wrong diet.

Hello everyone just wondering what’s everyone’s advice on diets Iv been on slimm...
Parris96 profile image

PCOS, you can fight this!

From August to November of 2020, I didn't get my periods. I was worried if somet...
Hidden profile image


Hi, I was just looking for some advice, I'm 25 ive always had dark hair, I have ...
A-f8 profile image

Period pains whilst on contraception (suffering from Amenorrhea)

Hi, I'm new to posting and have been diagnosed with PCOS for 5 years. I have ame...

Long time suffering!

I was diagnosed at 19 with PCOS and am now 26. I always suffered with it but I f...

pcos is runing my life

Im 32 and having been living with symptoms of PCOS since i was 16, i diagnosed w...
PcosPrincess profile image

I am 110% sure I have PCOS although not officially diagnosed.

Hi everyone, I started my periods at a very young age, I was 9. Now I am 24 yea...
ash_x profile image

Irregular periods

Hi, So I'm new here and I was after some advice. I was diagnosed with PCOS when...
Lizzii89 profile image

Solo parenting options?

.Hi all, I’m new here and hoping to get some advice or speak to others going th...
festivalslover profile image

Pain no period

hello! so i have pcos and i have been having my periods every two weeks. recentl...


hi can anyone help me better understand progesterone ?? i.e., signs that it's lo...
fuzlo profile image

Yasmin and dianette experiences...

Hi everyone, Please can you share positive and negative experiences of these OC...
Pipppco profile image

5 Weeks along with PCOS

I found out a little over a week ago that I am expecting. Do you ladies have any...
21andworried profile image
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