Posts - PCOS UK (Verity) | HealthUnlocked

PCOS UK (Verity)

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All posts for January 2018

It's not all bad news

Hi there, Just joined. I just wanted to say some of the things that have really...

What does testing for PCOS involve?

So for years, probably about 8 Ish years I've believed I could have PCOS, that w...
Osiris275 profile image

Possible PCOS

Hi all, I'm new to the community but have been reading through some posts, it'...
Squizzle17 profile image
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Natural Pregnancy

Did anyone get pregnant naturally

fed up.

i have found out that i have had pcos for 4 years now been on metformin nothing ...
J-daisy profile image

Which pill is best?

Hi, new to this, was diagnosed with pcos in October. Have seen gynaecologist twi...

Heavy bleeding

I passed a large clot this morning the size of a cherry tomato, still bleeding l...

Now not pcos very confused

So after being told I had pcos my doctors have turned around and said its not af...

I need help...

Hi. I'm 26, I have been on and off contraception pills/injection/Implant for 11 ...
Amycartz profile image


What does TTC stand for?
Edinlass profile image

Pcos controlling my life.

Hello everyone. PCOS is starting to effect lots of areas of my life. I’m putting...
abigailx profile image


Hi all I went to Doctors today they said iam having a eptopic pregnancy they sen...


Hi Guys, i need some advice, so i had to stop taking the pill which was helping...
megjay profile image


Hi all just a quick update I’ve being to doctors they think iam having an eptopi...
Amelia2018 profile image


Hi all haven’t had much pain for the last few days but since me and my partner h...
Amelia2018 profile image


Hi all it’s all being put down to PID. Cab surgery resolve this? Or is it medica...
Amelia2018 profile image

Gynae appointment advice...

Hello ladies - I finally have a gynae appointment tomorrow to talk about my lack...
Bride2be profile image

HSG test - who does it?

Hi everyone I recently saw a private gynaecologist about my pcos and TTC. He sa...
FakeHappy profile image


Hi all just looking for some advice please , my stomach is really bloated and ha...
Amelia2018 profile image

If I was to get pregnant befor...

If I was to get pregnant before my lap op will my pains go away or will they sta...


Hi in pain today iam ovulating while on norethisterone , what does it mean? My s...
Amelia2018 profile image

Can not wait to be a mum

Can not wait
Bluelady-sing profile image


Iam ovulating loads with this tablet is this normal?


Hi all hope everyone is ok? I can’t sleep my stomach feels rock hard I feel sick...
Amelia2018 profile image


Who’s got pregnant with Norethisterone?

Very very faint line on PG test.... confused!

Hi, any advice helpful! I had my last period 9th December, has tubes flushed and...
Lauren231092 profile image


Hi in loads of pain today I’ve phoned gynaecology to see if I can see anyone I’v...


Hi all , how do you get a proper diagnosed of PCOS? I’ve obviously had a couple ...
Amelia2018 profile image


Hi everyone I was told I have polycystic ovaries syndrome but I have no symptoms...
Olori1 profile image


Hi all I’ve being put on norethrine tablets again for 3 months while my surgery ...