About - PCOS UK (Verity) | HealthUnlocked

PCOS UK (Verity)

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About PCOS UK (Verity)

Verity is a self-help group for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The group was established in 1997 to share the truth about the condition and improve the lives of women living with PCOS. The charity is run by a dedicated board of Volunteer Trustees supported by a team of further volunteers, who all support thousands of women both in the UK and internationally.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS):

-affects millions of women in the UK and worldwide

-runs in families

-is one of the leading causes of fertility problems in women

-if not properly managed, can lead to additional health problems in later life

-can have an impact on appearance and self-esteem

Although PCOS is treatable and the symptoms can be managed, it cannot be cured.

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Verity is run entirely by volunteers and with the help of our supporters

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