Why is my weight lose so slow am I on the... - PCOS UK (Verity)

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Why is my weight lose so slow am I on the wrong diet.

Parris96 profile image
16 Replies

Hello everyone just wondering what’s everyone’s advice on diets Iv been on slimming world for 14 weeks now and Iv only lost 8 pounds it was 10 pounds but I can’t seem to get back to that I’m so upset my doctor told me I need to lose weight and I’m really trying and it’s just not coming off I was wondering if anyone found weight watchers better or calorie counting ?

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Parris96 profile image
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16 Replies
LisaEB profile image

Exercise, if you want it to come off quicker, you need to move.

Parris96 profile image
Parris96 in reply to LisaEB

Thank you yes I think I need to move more i will try that x

Missy100 profile image

PCOS can make it extremely difficult to lose weight - more so than for someone without PCOS. Has your doctor spoken to you about Metformin? Although it is also used for diabetes, it can help assist women with PCOS to lose weight. If your GP is not aware of it you may need to speak to a gynaecologist about it. It can have negative side effects (particularly in the beginning) such as diarrhoea and nausea but these usually taper off, for most people, after a couple of weeks or so. There are some women who don't have any success with it, or who are unable to tolerate it full stop (the nausea and diarrhoea is particularly bad and never abates), but for many it can make a huge difference.

Parris96 profile image
Parris96 in reply to Missy100

Okay great thank you I spoke to my doctor and she was going to put me on metformin and then I spoke to another doctor and she said I was to fat to even think about starting any treatment and that I needed to go away and lose more weight first so I’m not sure what to do anymore :( x

Missy100 profile image
Missy100 in reply to Parris96

That is shocking! Quite frankly, if you want to lose weight, are having issues with losing weight and the point of considering Metformin is to help you to be able to do that, then shaming you as too fat to deserve the added help (yet) is cruel and ridiculous. Fat shaming you is 100% not acceptable and should not be tolerated.

IF there is an underlying health concern, that makes the Metformin risky due to something your current weight MIGHT be impacting, causing a doctor to consider it better to try and reduce your weight prior to including it in your health care plan then this should have been approached with respect and come with a full explanation. They should also then offer alternative support such as asking if you would like to try seeing a nutritionist (I have found nutritionists can be like therapists - the right fit can make a big difference), but it should be all about SUPPORTING you with kindness and dignity.

IF you are comfortable with going back to the doctor that was going to prescribe the Metformin, and it is something you want to consider, it might be worth booking an appointment to discuss if there is anything you need to be concerned with health wise before trying it, and asking if they are happy to prescribe it for you - IF THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT.

At the end of the day we all come in a variety of shapes and sizes and NO ONE deserves to be treated unkindly or disrespectfully because of it.

SuzeeO profile image

Slimming world works for some but it didn't for me. I lost initially then plateaued then gained some. Take care with the amount of carbs you can eat (rice, pasta, potatoes) and remember even 'free' food has calories. Take care also with fruit due to natural sugars. Plus exercise if/when possible. Good luck. It isn't easy. What works for one doesn't for another. Blows my mind regularly! All the best x

Parris96 profile image
Parris96 in reply to SuzeeO

Yes I think because it’s free food I over eat on it so I think I need to really look at the calories thank you for replying x

VEA88 profile image

Well done on losing the weight you have! I do slimming world and it took me almost a year to lose 2 stone and get to my target weight. But I got there in the end and am now a healthy weight and for the last 6 months my periods have become much more regular. I think it's been easier for me to keep the weight off as I lost it slowly and in a healthy way. I would say keep going! Do you listen to the slimming world podcast? It's really good and reminds you there's lots of people out there going through the same thing! Good luck 😊

Parris96 profile image
Parris96 in reply to VEA88

Well done with your weight loss to ! ☺️Omg yessss I lovvve the podcast it’s brilliant and yeah that makes me feel better your right hopefully it stays off for longer I’m going to keep going with it but I will keep in mind the amount of carbs I eat 🙈xx

JoyfulStar profile image

Losing weight is difficult so I feel your pain! For me a combination of a low carb diet and exercise worked wonders for me and my husband. I also cut out alcohol completely even before my IVF cycles.

In my opinion, exercise alone does not help you lose weight. It can help maintain your current weight though if you don’t go crazy with eating anything and everything unless you have good metabolism!

Diet alone does not help you loose weight quickly enough unless you are okay with losing about 2 pounds a week or less.

It takes much longer to lose weight than it is to put on! So patience is also needed- expect to be in it for the long haul.

Good luck!

Parris96 profile image
Parris96 in reply to JoyfulStar

Thank you I think this is a long term thing and it’s not going to be over night I wish it was 😂 but I guess it Will be all worth it in the end ☺️X

erable profile image

Personally I never found weight loss groups helpful as you’re often surrounded by people who don’t have the same struggles as PCOS and it’s very easy to feel disheartened when they lose so much more in a week than you do. My weight has been up and down for last 20 years since I was diagnosed and I have found that the best thing has been a combination of healthy diet and regular exercise. Unfortunately diet/calorie counting alone has not worked. It has to be both. I’ve also been on Metformin for the last 15 years or so which I would say helped me lose weight at the beginning and now I feel that it stabilises it rather than contributes to losing more. I try to eat lots of fruit and veg, and I stay away as much as possible from white carbs like bread and pasta as well as refined sugar but I do allow myself treats from time to time. I’m not going to lie though, it can be a real struggle and I feel like I put on weight just by looking at food. I also weigh my carbs and have done for years as I think it’s very easy to over-do portions with things like rice, cereal etc. I have got into walking in the last 5 months and have seen the biggest difference for years and I have lost about 10lbs since September which is a real achievement for me personally given how hard it can be to shift the weight. Obviously everyone is different but I have found that this has been helpful for me. Good luck!

Parris96 profile image

That’s brilliant well done you I think I really need to include exercise I don’t do any at all so I’m going to try it and see if it helps thank you 😊 x

erable profile image
erable in reply to Parris96

Good luck with your journey! 😊

Brody34 profile image

Hi hun, I’m the same I feel like I put on very easily but it comes off so slow compared to my friends. Iv tried a lot of diets including slimming world and it was very slow, personally for me iv found a higher protein, fibre and good fats diet with lower carbs and sugar the best for me. I seem to feel great not hungry and lose weight with this. I still eat carbs I just get them from more complex ones and eat them a lot less than I did, xx

FrancyItaly profile image

Metformin can help, ask your GP. Also walk everyday and have a high protein regime

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