Acne is estimated to affect up to a third... - PCOS UK (Verity)

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Acne is estimated to affect up to a third of PCOS sufferers. Have you or do you have acne?

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3 Replies
CrazyCatMazza profile image

I had acne but my doctor prescribed a 6 month course of antibiotics and they worked along with weight loss and supplements. Been off them around 10 weeks now and its not returned yet

Molly161018 profile image

My acne cleared up when I went on a low carb and no sugar diet!

Lab_mom profile image

I struggled with acne for years, tried every topical treatment under the sun, different skincare regimes, antibiotics, diet changes etc. The only thing that worked 🤞 was a course of roaccutane. You will need to be referred to a consultant dermatologist in order for it to be prescribed, as the medication is harsh on your body and it has many side effects.