Hi I am 59 and for 15 years have been hypothyroid and autoimmune. For all of those 15 years I have suffered with constant fatigue my life is one long battle against it do a bit have a rest carry on. Doctors not interested and I gave up for a couple of years not even going after trying for many to get help - maybe there is none and I have to just put up with it. About a month ago I asked her if together we could try and find a reason I am constantly tired and she said fatigue is one of those things nobody really understands much about many reasons etc. Anyway I got her to do blood tests and asked the receptionist for the results which is why I'm writing this in the hope someone might give me an insight. I can't see anywhere on it where my thyroid has been checked? My results:
serum ferritin HI 167 ug/L (13-150)
Urea and electrolytes:
serum sodium 143mmo1/L (135-145)
serum potassium 4.5 mmo1/L (3.5-5.5)
serum creatinine 65 umo1/L (44-80)
serum urea level 5.9 mmo1/L (2.8-7.6)
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD 87 mL/min (60-150)
Liver function test
serum ALT level 10 iu/L (10-36)
Alk Phos 78 iu/L (35-140)
serum total bilirubin level 5 umo1/L (0-17)
serum albumin 46g/L (35-50)
AST serum level 19 iu/L (0-31)
serum total protein 70 g/L (60-80)
Plasma glucose level 4.8 mmo1/L (3-7.8)
serum TSH level 1.45 miu/L (0.35-4.5)
serum cortisol 268 nmo1/L (175-600)
Blood haematinic levels
plasma vitamin B12 level 212.3 ng/L (180-2000)
serum folate 6.81 ug/L (4.6-18.7)
WBCs 5.8 10*9/L (4-10)
RBCs 4.05 10*12/L (3.8-5.5)
HB 12.8 g/dL (12-15)
Haematocrit 0.385 (0.37-0.47)
MCV 95fL (80-100)
Red blood cell distribution width 10.4 % (0-16)
MCH 31.7 pg (27-32)
MCHC 33.3 g/dL (28-35)
Platelet count 367 10*9/L (150-400)
Differential white cell count
Neutrophil count 2.3 10*9L (1.8-7.5)
Lymphocyte count 2.7 10*9/L (1.5-4)
Monocyte count 0.6 10*9L (0.2-1)
Eosinophil count 0.1 10*9L (0-0.4)
Basophil count 1. 10*9L (0-0.1)
Thanks grateful for an insight. All I can see is my serum ferritin is High which it has been for years they just say it's fine?