Hope you can help with the second lot of blood results.
These are previous results FOR JUNE/JULY
Serum free t4 level 13.0 pmol/l(11.0-250)
Serum folate 1.7 ug/l (>4.5) low
Thyroid function test
Tsh increased on repeat tpo antibodies added to stratify risk of progression to overt hypothyroidism
Serum tsh level 5.87 mu/l (co.27-4.20) high
Serum free t4 level 13.0 pmol/l (11.0-25.0)
partial thyroidectomy in 1998 after my 3rd son was born as I had a massive goitre appear only started Levo 2 1/2 months ago I have listed all my illnesses on my profile to many to write down again.
SORRY there are so many I am lost in numbers if anyone can help Thank you
Full Blood Count
Total white cell count 5.1 10*9/L (4.0 - 11.0)
Haemoglobin estimation 124 g/l (115 - 165)
Platelet count 340 10*9/L (150 - 400)
Red blood cell count 3.64 10*12/L (3.80 - 5.50) Low
Haematocrit 0.37 L/L ( 0.37 - 0.47)
Mean corpuscular volume (mcv) 101 FL (80 - 100) High
Mean Corpusc haemoglobin (MCH) 101 fl (80 - 100) High
Red blood cell distribut width 13.2 % (11.0 - 14.8)
Neutrophil count 1.7 10*9/L (1.7 - 7.5)
Lymphocyte count 3.0 10*9/L (1.0 - 4.5)
Monocyte count 0.4 10*9/L (0.2 - 0.8)
Eosinophil count 0.1 10*9/L (0.0 - 0.4)
Basophil count 0.0 10*9/L (0.0 - 0.1)
Nucleated red blood cell count 0.0 10*9/L
Liver Function Test
Serum bilirubin level 8 umo1/L (< 21)
Serum total protein 69 g/L (60 – 80)
Serum albumin 40 g/L (35 - 50)
Serum globulin 29 g/L (19 – 47)
Serum alkaline phosphatise 72 u/L (30 – 130)
Will be filed as: 72 u/L
Serum ALT level 22 u/L (<33)
Will be filed as: 22 u/L
Bone profile
Serum calcium 2 . 26 mmo1/L
Calcium adjusted level 2 .37 mmo1/L (2.20 -2 .60)
Serum total protein 69 g/L (60 – 80)
Serum albmin 40 g/L (35 -50)
Serum globulin 29 g/L (19 – 47)
Serum inorganic phosphate 1 . 10mmo1/L (0.80 -1.50)
Serum alkaline phosphatase 72 u/L (30 – 130)
Will be filed as: 72 u/L
Serum free T4 level 18.4 pmo1/L (11.0 -25.0)
Thyroid function test
Serum TSH level 1 . 12 Mu/L (0.27 – 4.20)
Serum free T4 level 18’4 pmo1/L (11.0 -25.0)
Serum vitamin B12 615 ng/L (180 – 900)
Serum folate 2.9 ug/L (> 4.5) Low
The End
Thank you for taking the time to read and help.