Hi all does any one have any I’d. The doctor order a full blood work up. Due to a lot of problems. They cut my medication in January from 175 to 150 and now down to 125 at the end of March. There trying to raise my T3 from 0.1 last blood test was in March before cut down to 125. Was T3 still at 0.1 but T4 is at 17.7. T4 is great and back to were it should be. But T3 didn’t move like they hope so. These are the results. Don’t have proper test results for the last blood test. Due to it was taken by the hospital and there not on my doctors notes. Results as follows.
Mean cell haemoglobin level (XE2pb) 29.8 pg [27 - 32]
Mean cell haemoglobin concentration (429..) 31.3 g/dL [32 - 35.9]
Haematocrit (X76tb) 0.435 [0.36 - 0.441]
Mean cell volume (42A..) 95.2 fL [80 - 100]
Serum bilirubin level (44E..) 5 umol/L [0 - 21]
Urea and electrolytes (X77Wi)
Nucleated red blood cell count (4266.) 0 10^9/L [0 - 0.01]
Serum alanine aminotransferase level (XaLJx) 8 iu/L [10 - 35]
Red blood cell count (426..) 4.57 10^12/L [4 - 5.5]
Platelet count - observation (42P..) 497 10^9/L [150 - 450]
Neutrophil count (42J..) 4.7 10^9/L [1.7 - 7.5]
Haemoglobin concentration (Xa96v) 13.6 g/dL [11.5 - 16.6]
Total white blood count (XaIdY) 8.1 10^9/L [3.7 - 11]
Eosinophil count - observation (42K..) 0.4 10^9/L [0.04 - 0.5]
Basophil count (42L..) 0.1 10^9/L [0 - 0.2]
Lymphocyte count (42M..) 2.1 10^9/L [1 - 4]
Monocyte count - observation (42N..) 0.8 10^9/L [0.2 - 0.8]
Serum globulin level (XE2eB) 37 g/L [20 - 39]
Serum alkaline phosphatase level (XE2px) 95 iu/L [40 - 150]
Serum inorganic phosphate level (XE2q4) 1.3 mmol/L [0.8 - 1.5]
Serum adjusted calcium concentration (Xabpk) 2.47 mmol/L [2.1 - 2.55]
Serum urea level (XM0lt) 5.4 mmol/L [2.5 - 6.7]
Serum creatinine level (XE2q5) 60 umol/L [50 - 98]
Serum sodium level (XE2q0) 142 mmol/L [136 - 145]
Serum potassium level (XE2pz) 4 mmol/L [3.5 - 5.1]
Serum albumin level (XE2eA) 41 g/L [35 - 50]
Serum calcium level (XE2q3) 2.49 mmol/L [2.1 - 2.55]
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD (XaK8y)
Serum total protein level (XE2e9) 78 g/L [64 - 83]
Serum folate level (42U5.) 1.4 ng/ml [3.1 - 20.5]
Serum vitamin D level (XE2e7) < 20 nmol/L [80 - 150]
Haemoglobin A1c level - IFCC standardised (XaPbt) 35 mmol/mol [20 - 41]
Serum vitamin B12 level (XE2pf) 154 ng/L [187 - 883]
Any help will be much appreciated.