I will just type as they appear as there are quite a few...Active B12 85 range 37.5-150pmol/l
TSH 12.10 range 0.27-4.20 mlu/l
Free T4 13.7 range 12.0-22.0 pmol/l
Free T3 2.6 range 3.1-6.8 pmol/l
T4 total 97.8 range 66-181 nmol/l
Anti thyroglobulin abs 1029 range <115
Anti thyroid peroxidase abs >600 range <34
Cortisol 593.0 range 73.0-507.0 nmol/l
Reverse T3 23.0 range 10.0-24.0 ng/dl
Reverse T3 ratio 0.11
Vitamin d 80 range 50-200nmol/l
HbA1c 35 range 20-42 nmol/mol
Magnesium 0.9 range 0.7-1.0mmol/l
CRP 2.0 range <5.0 mg/l
Iron 12.6 range 5.8-34.5 umol/l
UIBC 36.3 range 24.2-70.1 umol//
TIBC 49 range 45-81 umol/l
Transferrin saturation 25.8 range 20-50
Ferritin 39 range 13-150 uh/l
Serum folate 5.61 range 8.83-60.8 nmol/l
Vitamin B12 395 range 245-569 pmol/l
Thank you everyone that has taken the time to read through and help me with my ongoing journey.I am very confused by everything thyroid related and I'm trying my best to learn from the wise folk in this group.
My post a few days ago explains that I have had constant diarrhea from the levothyroxine,none more than with my last month of mercury pharma,so even though when on 75mg my TSH dropped to 4.82 on my increase of 100mg to bring it down further it has risen ,I believe due to not being absorbed.I have now been given Teva (which I have constantly asked for)but I start that tomorrow,so I'm hoping my TSH will go down without tummy troubles being an issue(no problems with Teva ,just every brand that contains lactose).Do you think I should now do this next month or 6-8 of Teva and then have my bloods done to see if my results improve?or should I ask for an increase right now based on these results?I'm 57/58kg so realistically 100mg of levothyroxine should be enough,or is that not how it works?I was told it's by the weight of the person.
Again thank you so so much for all your help and support,I truly appreciate it-without your support I'm also at a complete loss as to what to say to the doctor /pharmacist to get my points across.