Morning update on so confused.....: morning all... - Thyroid UK

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Morning update on so confused.....

KimyH profile image
5 Replies

morning all, thank you for your help.

So have just got latest bloods in.

this is the picture so far...

begining of june started as week knees going up stairs, then more Hyper symptoms- Hot flushing, sweating, weeing alot, skin burning at night, loss of weight, right eye red and puffy. tremors bad night and day, couldn't put shoes on and even in voice. Elevated resting heart with tachy- although previously observed resting heart of 57- but was on thinners after blood clot. so much so at worse burnt 700 calories and hit 3 mins of cardio before lunch and i have a desk job that at the most requires a short walk to canteen. lost 1 stone 3 pounds in 6 weeks and i wasn't massive to begin with just gaining each winter.

14 june 24

T4 25. ( 7.9-14.4) couldn't do TSH not enough blood- they did try 3 seperate times and it was like treacle.

T3 11.4 (3.8-6.0)

Full bloods all normal in range- snipped above

started on 120mg of prop pd- took edge off tremors

28 june 24

TSH <0.02 (0.38-5.33)

TSH receptor abs 8.5 pos >3.3

t4 37.6 ( 8- 18.0 )

T3 10,8 (3.8-6.0 )

Started on 20mg carb- also stripped diet rightly or wrongly, thoughts were low iodine, no gluten, no milk. Found on this forum- suggestions on selenium , iron mag- so added in brasil nut per day, pine nuts, sesame seeds, changed to porridge ( i know- not ness gluten free ) added blueberries, honey rasps and blackberries, cut out refined sugar- added red bush tea. ate alot of lean steak and mushrooms. felt great within 3 weeks. slept great, but then resting heart started dropping- low as 48, in sleep 38. doc dropped prop to 30mg pd.

bloods done 29 july

tried to add gluten back in but tremors seemed to come back along with skin burning

t3 5,2 (3.8-6.0 )

T4 13.8 (8.0-18.0)

TSH <0.02 ( 0.38-5.33)

full bloods o.k. again- will post if needed- not had vit D done

docs dropped carb to 10mg by leaving voicemail. and wrote on notes to endo- sorry bloods done at 4 weeks!!!

starting last week after feeling like social nuciance added some gluten back in, started to get night sweats and trem along with resting heart rising. o.k. in day. then started to get very down, sugar levels seem to rise and struggle to eat and then starving half hour after. started to feel cold in day but when wake in night need cold flanel and fan on.

Got so bad wed didn't go to work and cried so much at husband that he went to docs, - very lovely emergency doc brought bloods forward- had been told last week by shitty man doc over phone that bloods have to be only done 6-8 weeks- so would do them next week at 6 weeks and then ring for a chat a week later when he's back from his 5th hol abroad.

I missed out on my hard saved once every 10 years foreign holiday as i had just been diagnosed with hyper, so my hubby and kids went alone.

Anyway I digress, another doc rang yesterday to say bloods suggest dropping to 5mg carb, but no explanation. I looked at his notes and saw TSH rising so was confused as to why my symptons were tremors, night sweats, massive insomnia- to the point I actually don't think i slept- song playing on loop if i try not to have any thoughts- shittest songs aswell.

finally saw my results this morning and.....

TSH 9.05 ( 0.38-5.3)

T3 4.3 (3.8 -6.0)

t4 8.1 (8.0-18 )

am so hungry- feeling the cold and achy in arms. but still seem to tremor!

What the hell has happened?

Also for those of you that believe, have seen homeopath -i had to turn to one when my daughter was born and had severe reflux, specialist just said suck it up and chucked diff meds at her.

Followed advise- suspected candida overgrowth- alll issues resolved- mostly healthy child.

she was lovely and made me feel more listened to and i trusted her instantly, funny though told me probs with beef, mushrooms (i was getting constipated) tomatoes ect, but also said she was better equiped for hypo issues but would help get core back to strength and to have follow up after bloods.

This is such a roller coaster.

Have no idea of where I'm at but think you guys are right about Hashi- if you'd asked me a year ago which camp i fell into- by symptoms alone- lathargic, dry hair, weight gain, always cold- loved the heat- puffy face, heavy periods after years of no periods- progesterone low- not ovulating. then took off combined pill as had unexplained clot.

Lost friend at work week before blood clot.

lost hubbys mum beginning of last year and then dear nan at 101 at christmas- peacefully at home.

Always anxious as a child, sucked it all up when became big grown up girl- held a lot in. was previously very sweaty and skinny as teen.

Gutted that at 47 just as things were looking up have this thing rapidly taking chunks of me.

Sorry so long have to get this off my chest. Don't want to dis docs too much as they have saved life twice, pre- eclampsia with first at 27 weeks, blood clot, pneumonia and pluerisy for unknown reason but was fist misdiagnosed as pulled muscle. That pain was off the chart.

Had some really good ones and some really bad.

They seem really good at saving lifes, but not very good at follow up, after care investigation.

Have just booked private endo for end oct ( earliest slot)- receptionist was so nice i started blubbing at her.

ordered some blood tests of medichecks- added estrogen ect as well as at 47 think perimenopause is also messing with me.- can't stop crying- am due on in 5 days

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KimyH profile image
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5 Replies
TiggerMe profile image

Wow, that's more than my brain can process 😬

I'll cut to the chase... these results show that you are slightly too suppressed so they are right to lower your dose and the symptoms are due to now being Hypo

TSH 9.05 ( 0.38-5.3)

T3 4.3 (3.8 -6.0)

t4 8.1 (8.0-18 )

HRT is a good idea as it is often peri meno that kicks off thyroid issues so balancing all hormones becomes key

KimyH profile image
KimyH in reply to TiggerMe

Such a merry go round. I'm a bit stuck on HRT as had a blood clot 3 years ago that they blamed on combined pill. So was told no HRT for Me. but I know my hormones are out of wack most of the time as needed anti estrogen to have the girls. funnily enough periods regular as clockwork after blood clot and coming off pill. Defo think perimenopuase is giving me a kick in aswell. Just want to feel semi o.k. Can't believe some of the symtoms over lap each other for hypo and hyper, how the hell are you supposed to know where you are and with bloods only 6-8 weeks- thats like hell on earth struggling from one to the other. Thank you for your words

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to KimyH

I thought the transdermal patches and sprays are much safer with regards to blood clots so might be worth asking to be referred to the menopause clinic?

With thyroid hormones it does take 6-8 weeks for a dose change to stabilize so testing earlier just gives false results

Calceolaria profile image

I can’t tell you anything but having read your post, I just wanted to say that you have come through such a lot. You seem to be doing everything you can to effect improvements and I’m sure the great people on here will help. Best wishes.

Rainbow-Lover profile image

Also for those of you that believe, have seen homeopath

Homeopathy isn’t a religion …. You don’t have to believe in it. If you’ve had success with homeopathic treatment before, go with it.

I’ve been treated successfully and it’s my ‘go to’ when things get tough.

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