Yesterday I had the results of a recent blood test for my thyroid. I’m on 125mcg Levothyroxine.
TSH 0.006 (0.38-5.0)
Free T4 13.4 (7.0-16.0)
Free T3 5.9 (3.8-6.0)
Are these results okay? I feel good.
Yesterday I had the results of a recent blood test for my thyroid. I’m on 125mcg Levothyroxine.
TSH 0.006 (0.38-5.0)
Free T4 13.4 (7.0-16.0)
Free T3 5.9 (3.8-6.0)
Are these results okay? I feel good.
If you feel good then they're great. FT3 still in range (just) so if your GP uses your suppressed TSH to say that you are overmedicated then point out that FT3 is in range and that's the result that tells us if we're overmedicated.
As a matter of interest, when did you take your last dose of Levo before the test?
This test was at around 9am and I had taken my Levothyroxine at 7.30am the day before.
OK, so that reflects your normal amount of circulating hormone. If your GP does insist on a dose reduction then don't accept a 25mcg reduction, I would suggest no more than 12.5mcg then retest 6-8 weeks later to see how everything is.
Thank you so much. My doctor said I can stay on 125mcg or reduce to 100mcg/125mcg alternate days but i am unsure what to do?
It's up to you, you could alternate but don't accept a reduction on your prescription. If after a couple of months, when levels have stabilised, you don't feel so good, go back to your original dose.
What would you do if you’d got my test results? Stay on the same dose or reduce?
If I felt good I might be tempted to leave things as they are. However, having had experience of tweaking doses - albeit of Levo plus T3 - I have learned to know where my levels are best so it might be worth experimenting, that will tell you what you need to know, i.e. do you still feel as good with your FT3 level not at the limit of the range and your TSH not so suppressed.
Thanks Susie, I have tried reducing and alternating 100/125 for a few weeks and whilst I didn’t feel bad, I didn’t feel as good as I do on the 125mcg. I just worry my blood results are showing me overreplaced?
I just worry my blood results are showing me overreplaced?
As I said in my first reply "if your GP uses your suppressed TSH to say that you are overmedicated then point out that FT3 is in range and that's the result that tells us if we're overmedicated."
Thank you, your advice is very much appreciated! I’m thinking I am going to try alternating the 125/100 of Levothyroxine for six weeks as although I feel okay I have never seen my free t3 as high as it is now ever before. It has always in the past been around 5 (3.8-6.0). Could this 12.5mcg reduction be enough to send me hypothyroid though do you think?
Rather than reducing by 12.5mcg, why not try a reduction of 6.25mcg to start with, I have found that even such a small change makes a difference. You could cut a 25mcg tablet into quarters if you have some and take 3/4 of a 25mcg tablet with your 100s, making 118.75mcg.
Yes that seems a good idea, I’m going to try reducing as I seem to be having some of the same symptoms I had when I was under medicated (for example tangled hair after washing) and I know overmedication can mirror being undermedicated from what I’ve read on here!
Could the higher in range t3 cause things like this do you think?
Previous posts showed low vitamin levels
Important to regularly test
What supplements are you currently taking
I’m taking ferrous gluconate, cyanocobalamin tablets, folic acid tablets & vitamin d.
Any reason for taking cyanocobalamin rather than methylcobalamin?
Considering how extremely low B12 and folate were I would recommend you get vitamins retested
Vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 need to be optimal
You have better luck than me getting my blood test results from my GP is trying to get blood tests from sax stone
You are legally entitled to printed copies of your blood test results and ranges.
The best way to get access to current and historic blood test results is to register for online access to your medical record and blood test results
UK GP practices are supposed to offer everyone online access for blood test results. Ring and ask if this is available and apply to do so if possible, if it is you may need "enhanced access" to see blood results.
In reality many GP surgeries do not have blood test results online yet
Alternatively ring receptionist and request printed copies of results. Allow couple of days and then go and pick up.
Important to see exactly what has been tested and equally important what hasn’t been tested yet
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by raised Thyroid antibodies
Jak dla mnie za niski poziom tsh a to za sprawą takiej dawki 125 powinnaś brać mniejsza
"For me, too low tsh level and due to such a dose of 125 you should take less"
Use google translate so we can understand you
Nie masz dużą dawkę leku też tak miałam jak brałam 75 miałam tsh 0.02
"You don't have a large dose of medicine either so I had when I was taking 75 I had tsh 0.02"
This what you just said .... you need to use english on this site.
Chodzi mi że masz za dużą dawkę leku bo tsh zaraz osiągnie pułap minusów a ma mieć chociaż 0.3 ale i tak uważam że lepiej mieć chociaż 1. No i zbadaj sobie żelazo . Wit.d bo to też wpływ a na wyniki. Zdecydowanie 125mg to za dużą dawką
Skorzystaj z Google Translate, abyśmy mogli cię zrozumieć
If you feel well then def leave as is! Your thyroid hormone levels are in range.