Hello All
I recently had my blood test through my GP for my Vitamin D and other tests.
(Currently on 100mcg T4 and 10mcg T3 due to see my endo around July 2024)
Date: 02/05/2024 (Early morning fasting after taking my Levo and T3).
Serum Vitamin B12 239 ng/L [200 - 900]
Serum Vitamin D 101 nmol/L [50 - 200]
Serum ferritin Level 155ug/L [30 - 300]
Serum folate level 4.6ug/L [3 - 20.5]
Serum creatinine level 112 umol/L [64.0 - 104.0]; Above high reference limit
eGFR using creatinine (CKD-EPI) per 1.73 square metres 68 mL/min [90.0 - 120.0];
Previous test result for Thyroid function test:
Supplements that I take currently:
1. Cytoplan Vitamin D3 and K2
2. Cytoplan Selenium
3. Cytoplan Magnesium Threonate ( Planning to discontinue after the current stock finishes)
4. Cytoplan Fish Oil Capsules
5. Cytoplan Blood Glucose Support ( Started in April 204 )
Based on the results above, would it help if I should be looking for any other supplement?
Thank you