I posted a couple of weeks ago - I have been hypothyroid for 12 years and have blithely just taken Levothyroxine without question despite chronic joint pain (under a rheumatologist), tinnitus, coeliac disease and lichen sclerosis.
In fact, it was this site that helped me request a Vitamin D test in the summer (was insufficient at 41 nmol) so self medicated against the advice of my GP to take 4000 - 5000iu per day ....it is now 101nmol!
Notably, I requested a vitamin B12 - GP said the NHS won't allow the active kind.
I now have my recent blood results. I took on board the advice from this forum and requested my results..as below:
Serum vitamin B12 284ng/L (ref range 223-1132) Normal-no action
Serum Folate 14.8 ug/L (range 4.6 – 18.7) Normal-no action
Serum ferritin 145 ug/L (range 14 - 186) Normal-no action
Serum parathyroid hormone 5.1 (range 1.1 – 6.9) Normal-no action
Serum vitamin D 101 nmol/L (range 50 - 125) Normal-no action (previous 41nmol)
Serum TSH 0.33 mu/L (0.30 – 5.50) adequate replacement (was 0.1 in the summer)!
Serum free T3 level 4.2 pmol/L (0.0 -7.0)
Serum free T4 level 20.6 pmol/L (11.5 – 22.7)
Are these OK??
Bone Profile:
Serum alkaline phosphatase 48 iu/L (35 - 105)
Serum gamma GT level 12 iu/L (7 - 32)
Serum calcium 2.44 mmol/L (2.13 – 2.63)
Serum inorganic phosphate 1.15 mmol/L (0.80 – 1.40)
Serum albumin 48g/L (36 – 52)
Corrected serum calcium level 2.28 mmol/L (2.13 – 2.63)
I don't know what the above bone profile indicates / please forgive the long post!!