Hi everyone
I need some help again with my blood test results please.
Ive been to the Endocronologist recently and based on my blood tests TSH too low she has decreased my Thyroxine by 1 tablet a week ie 75mg. (I was taking 75mg/day 7 days). I also take this 2hours before breakfast to help absorption)
I was hoping you good people who have given me your kind advice in the past could take a look at my results please. I would like to know whether i should drop by 75mg or not or drop less ?? Half that ???
Thank you in advance🙏
Ive had Thyroid Cancer (2015) with RAI
Psoriatic Arthritis Dec 2020 on Prednisone , now down to 1.5mg but CRP crept up to 16🙄 and ESR 21
Also on ACTONEL for osteoporosis
and i take supplements
Vit D; Vit C; Curcumin; B Complex; Magnesium; Quercetin; Lipoic Acid;
Bloods done early morning fasting and before taking thyroid meds and other meds and supplements
TSH 0.46 (0.5-4.0)
FT4. 17 (10.-20)
FT3. 4.2 (3.5-6.5)
Thyroglobulin. <1.0
(<55.0 healthy subjects)
(<1.0 - athyroid subjects)
Anti-Thyroglobulin Abs. <1.3
(aTGII (<4.5)
Parathyroid. 6.2 (1.5-9.9)
Vitamin B12 371pmol/L (156-740)
Serum Folate 50.0 nmol/L (>9.0)
Iron 16 (10-30)
T’ferretin 24 (32-38)
T.Sat 34 (13-45)
Ferretin 53 (30-400)
Vitamin D
Haemolysis. Nil
Serum 25(OH) Vitamin D. 72 nmol/L
Sufficiency 51-200 nmol/L
Mild defficiency 25-50 nmol/L