We are in the US.
We had a follow up appointment with the psychiatrist last week for my teen daughter. He has made no medication adjustments in over 5 months...just wants to keep things as they are. Her mood has been *more* stable, but she still has some periods of hypomania, and the depression isn't lifting. Two counselors and a psychologist all feel more needs to be done from the psychiatric side. We pushed psych on this point.
He asked when we last had lipids and blood sugar checked. I indicated he likely didn't have those results as we had to use a different lab, but I could pull them up on my phone for him. I had the full lipid results on the screen and he had the audacity to start scrolling through!
I knew that the thyroid results were right above the lipids...and I knew that we had a row last appointment over her thyroid. He asked my daughter to leave the room and then started in on me how she was being severely overmedicated for her thyroid and that I was putting her at risk. I pushed back that on NDT one should expect the TSH to be suppressed. He said I was wrong. I said, no...the TSH is suppressed, but the fT3 and fT4 are unequivocally normal...if anything she is slightly undertreated. He asked where I was getting this information because it is wrong. I replied that it was from two of her other doctors as well as my own studies on the matter. He again said I was endangering her. I told him he was wrong. He said that it seems she is a case outside his expertise, then, and maybe we should find another doctor... The unmitigated gall...
Here are the results that say she is heavily over-treated (per his expert opinion), taken per all the normal guidelines shared on this lovely website (early morning, fasting, proper med timing, stopped supplements 1 week prior) at 60mg Armour:
TSH .0008 (.45-4.5)
fT4 1.37 (.93-1.6)
fT3 4.4 (2.3-5.0)
T4 7.3 (4.5-12.0) - new doc likes to test this too
T3 154 (71-180) - new doc likes to test this too
(no rT3)
TPO 11 (0-26) - note other antibodies previously tested as negative also
Other items:
Serum B12 816 (232-1245) - integrative doctor has started her on supplements after this test
Folate 7.0 (>3.0) - integrative doctor has started her on a B-complex after this result
Calcitriol (1,25 di-OH Vit D) 53.7 (19.9-79.3)
Vit D, 25-hydroxy 75.7 (30-100) - has been supplementing at 5000IU w/ vit K2-MK7
Ferritin 48 (15-77)
Iron 147 (26-169)
TIBC 319 (250-450)
UIBC 172 (131-425)
Iron Sat 46 (15-55)
Transferrin 249 (200-370)
Calcium 9.7 (8.9-10.4)
Potassium 4.1 (3.5-5.2)
Sodium 142 (134-144)
So now we are off in search of a new psychiatrist...again...
Side note - school lets out tomorrow, so looking at trying an increase on her Armour dose...I have the meds to do it. Also, she was taking bio-identical progesterone for estrogen dominance, but recent labs show the dose was insufficient...dose and schedule were just changed to try to address that. The mood stabilization that we have seen happened after a trial of LDN and instigation of the progesterone.