My daughter has been struggling for around 20 years, since her teens in fact! Finally, she saw her ENT consultant on Tuesday. He’s repeatedly told her she’s not hypothyroid but she has a goitre and needs half her thyroid removing. That was before the virus this week he was still saying she wasn’t hypothyroid until she asked him to look at her lower legs, feet and arms. (Her gp had said she had Guttate Psoriasis.) When he saw her legs he straight away said she DID have hypothyroidism. Long and short she now has to see an Endocrinologist and is holding back on the op until she’s seen the Endo. She managed to get a couple of blood test results from him but I don’t understand them at all so I was hoping if someone could advise us about the results she has? Just in case you can:
My daughter (43,) has been struggling for around 20 years, since her teens in fact! Finally, she saw her ENT consultant on Tuesday. He’s repeatedly told her she’s not hypothyroid but she has a large goitre and needs half her thyroid removing. That was before the virus then this week he was still saying she wasn’t hypothyroid until she asked him to look at her lower legs, feet and arms. (Her gp had said she had Guttate Psoriasis.) When he saw her legs he straight away said she DID have hypothyroidism. Long and short she now has to see an Endocrinologist she managed to get some results from him which I’ll post below. TIA.
In Dec her T4 - 11.9, T3 - 4.8 but her TSH was high... she thinks he didn't write it down as as he realised he should have referred her back then! Her TSH was 6.0 but I’m not sure when that was.
Can anyone advise us on these results, please.