Just received my latest thyroid tests and would really appreciate some feedback please, as I'm about to transition onto NDT at the equivalent dose of Levo, which has just been increased as a result of these tests, from 100 to 125 mcg/day).
My last results only tested TSH & T4, so returned to GP for a fuller analysis.
My lovely (although unknowledgable) GP has give me the absolute 'full monty' with regard to blood analysis, so I won't bore you with the page of blood analyses (unless you tell me its important) just the highlights of my thyroid, so I have a baseline before transitioning onto NDT.
I am now, however getting other symptoms (arthritic nodules on 2 fingers) and major hair changes (wiry and fine) very suddenly within 2 months, which I imagine is due to the autoimmune factor (ie; rheumatoid arthritis), although told I don't test positive for Hashimotos (NHS test).
I already have high cholesterol (over 6) and BP (146 over 130 or similar).
Thyroid Results:
TSH 6.0 miu/L (supposedly above range - increasing dose from 100 to 125 mcg/day)
T4 15 pmol/L
T3 4.9 pmol/L
Vit D 93 nmol/L
B12 735 ng/L
Folate 11.8 ng/ml
Ferritin 106 ng/mL
White blood 6.8 10(upwards arrow) 9/L
Red Blood 4.35 10 (upwards arrow) 12/L
(followed by about 20 other blood test analyses)
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, experience and wisdom with me.
I am very grateful to you
MG x