Hi everyone. Im new here & was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism in February (altho I suspect I’ve had this for years) My initial bloodwork was in December 2017 at my yearly physical. It didn’t include all the other necessary tests (that I’ve read here are necessary..& tnk you for that!!) just the TSH. I’m hoping for some advice on these recent updated test results I’m posting. My Drs think I’m fine now that my TSH has dropped a bit & dont need to adjust anything ..other than giving me the 50,000 unit capsules (of Vitamin D , 25 Hydroxy) once a week for 8 weeks ...followed by 2000 units (OTC) daily after that. I’ve been on 25 mcg of Levothyroxine for a little over 2 months. I thank you in advance ...and any advice is so appreciated!!
Blood work results from 4/20/18 (re/Hypothyroidism)
TSH 4.23 mlU/L (0.40-4.50 ml/UL)
( Last TSH results were 5.27 from December 2017)
T3 free 2.8 ( 2.3-4.2 pg/mLF )
T4 free 1.2 ng/dl. ( 0.8- 1.8 ng/dl )
T4 Total 6.1 mcg/dL ( 4.5-12.0 )
Thyroglobulin Antibodies 293< or = 1 lU/mL F H ( or 1.0 normal ?)
Thyroid Peroxidase AB 54 < 9 IU/mL F H
(Range less than 9 normal?)
Vitamin B12 482 pg/mL ( 200-1100 pg/mL)
Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy 23 ng/mL (30-100 ng/mL)
*(THEY PRESCRIBED VITAMIN D3 50,000 unit caps , taking 1 capsule once p/week for 8 weeks ..& then after that 2000 OTC units daily
Folate 17.4 ng/mL (it didn’t give a range here but I think they said it was low?)
Ferritin 158 ng/mL ( 20- 288 ng/mL )