Private Thyroid and NHS Test: Hi all, I had a nhs... - Thyroid UK

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Private Thyroid and NHS Test

Anna212 profile image
3 Replies

Hi all, I had a nhs standard thyroid test on 7th March also checking for iron, kidneys and liver, possibly B12 not sure, as explained to my G.P feeling tired and lying down during day. I actually already take prescribed iron and have done for past couple years maybe longer. Had iron deficiency on off a lot of my adult life (I'm 44). I also have done my own research and I suspected Hashimotos due to my symptoms which fluctuate- low grade fever, lower to mid back pain into my hips and legs, fatigue/weakness, joint pain and aches all over, muscle twitches. I also have a diagnosis of Bipolar (and Aspergers) and read Hashimotos can look like and be similar to Bipolar symptoms, also suspect for a long time leaky gut. When I took nhs test on 7th I felt symptoms of the above quite severely, that I mentioned to nurse taking my blood I didn't know how I managed to walk there, she commented my arm felt bit sweaty. My symptoms came on worse couple days after apmt with my G.P. When I did my private test on 20th March I didn't feel too bad on that day and symptoms not too bad.

My thyroid blue horizons results are as follows Vitamin B12 442 pg/m1 197-771

Folate 2.3 (in red for low) ug/L >2.9, Ferritin 32 ug/L 13-150, C Reactive Protein 0.6 mg/L <5.0

Total Thyroxine(t4) 115 nmo1/L 59-154, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 1.94 mIU/L 0.27-4.2, Free Thyroxine 17.4 pmo1/1 12.0-22.0 Free T3 4.3 pmo1/L 3.1-6.8, Vitamin D 15 (in red for low) nmo1/L 50-200

Thyroglobulin 18.1 IU/mL 0-115, Thyroid Peroxidase 17.4 IU/mL 0-34, Reverse T3 8.9 (in red for low) ng/dL 10-24

I don't really understand about the ranges and am assuming thyroid is o.k ? I opted for the G.P comments for the test and they commented only on my reverse T3 being low, folate and stating significant vitamin D deficiency.

So I printed out and took these results above to my G.P today. Mental health support worker came with me for some support. G.P stated that these results don't match with NHS ones I had done and said quite far out with Folate I think said (I think G.P said 4. something?) Also saying my Folate couldn't possibly drop in the space of a week or 2, so then G.P questioned if I have a Vitamin D deficiency and stated they don't test for vitamin D anyway. G.P never mentioned if NHS thyroid results were o.k and I forgot to ask due to focusing on folate and vit d, so I assume they were within the NHS range. I honestly didn't feel taken seriously today with showing G.P my test and my symptoms and I said to G.P that the test is an accredited one and run by private G.P's. I explained my symptoms aswell and also stating my Mum, her Mum my Gran and her Mum my Great Gran have/had Osteoperosis. G.P was happy to prescribe me Psychiatric medication today though, even though Iv read Vitamin D deficiency can cause Anxiety, Depression symptoms. G.P said I could supplement myself with Vitamin D if I wanted. I have already been taking D3 1000 IU a day which I bought myself. I did tell G.P I was vet unwell with symptoms above of joints ect Easter weekend for several days and could hardly walk also with severe fatigue/weakness. G.P had no explanation for my symptoms. Iv also read Psychiatric medication can lower vit D levels, but I didn't bother to say to G.P.

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3 Replies
shaws profile image

Anna212, I am sorry you are feeling so bad and members will respond. Do you have the ranges of your results above. Ranges are in brackets after the results. The reason is that labs differ (as your GP stated) but the ranges are needed so that comments can be made i.e. was borderline (12, range is 11-34).

To amend your post above (or you can add them below if you wish) click the down arrow on the r/hand box and select edit.

If you are in the UK, the NHS do test B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate. The following is clinical symptoms:-

Many people have been diagnosed with a mental illness when they had a problem with their thyroid gland. Physchiatrists can also prescribe T3 for their patients. It is the Active Thyroid hormone and yours may be very low.

Anna212 profile image
Anna212 in reply to shaws

Thanks Shaws Iv added the ranges in of the private horizons test Iv done. My G.P clearly stated to me they don't do testing for Vitamin D or thyroid antibodies. The links you posted-I have a lot of those symptoms for thyroid and can tick many of the boxes such as vertigo, hearing voices, but not all the time, pms and the list goes on.

Fruitandnutcase profile image

Has your doctor not realised that even though you are bipolar / have Aspergers you could still have Hashimoto’s?

Also your Blue Horizon test results may not be exactly the same as your NHS test results - both labs are likely to be using different ranges (the figures in brackets next to the result) but I go by where my result sits within the ranges and any nhs tests I have had have been at the same point within their ranges as my Blue Horizon tests have been within theirs.

You want your vitamins D and B12,ferritin and folates to be near the top of their ranges to help your thyroid. The nhs do test those things plus antibodies, but I found they didn’t want to. I had antibodies tested way back when I was diagnosed with Graves Disease - hyperactive with antibodies - but I don’t think they ever test them again after the first time or they haven’t for me. I managed to get my B12 tested - only because there is a family history of pernicious anaemia- but the rest I pay for myself.ive found it easier that way. The Blue Horizons home fingerprick Thyroid 11 test covers everything I need.

Think I might want to try a different doctor too if that was possible.

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