Hi girls,
Just received my Blue Horizon results OH My Goodness what does it mean here goes:
Advice Urgently Needed PLEASE
HAEMATOLOGY - Vitamin B12 * 1303 pg/ml 197-771 note amended ref. range due to change to Gen II assay.
BIOCHEMISTRY - FOLATE (serum) 11.2 ug/L > 2.9 if no change in diet habits normal serum folate make folate deficiency unlikely.
FERRITTIN - 129 UG/l 13 -150 Optimum ferritin level for female : > 27 ug/L
C Reactive protein <0.6 mg/L <5.0
Total Thyroxine (T4) *58 nmo1/L 59 -154
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone *7.21 mIU/L 0.27 4.2
Free Thyroxine *9.9 pmol/L 12.0 - 22.0
Free T3 4.0 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8
25 OH Vitamin D 64 nmol/L 50-200
interpretation of results
<25 nmol/L
insufficient 25 - 49 nmol/L
Normal Range 50 -200 nmol/L
Consider reducing dose > 200 nmol/L
Thyroid antibodies * >4000.0 IU/ml 0-115
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies * 244.0 IU/ml 0 - 34
What on earth does it mean ????