I haven't been diagnosed with hashimoto but there is a chance I could be since I have had thyroid issues in the past after giving birth. I was diagnosed with post partum thyroiditis and even now that my thyroid levels are back to normal (but I still have thyroid antibodies, low white cell count, antinuclear antibodies in my blood) I dont feel well. My symptoms include extreme fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, sad/depressive mood and occasional rashes on my fingers.
My recent blood test results are for thyroid;
t4 15.0 (ref range 10-19)
tsh 2.03 (0.50-4.00)
t3 4.8 (3.5-6.5)
Unusual test results that are out of range:
Anti thyroid peroxidase 162 (below 60)
Anti thyroglobulin 384 (below 60)
ANA test result low positive at 1:80 homogeneous/speckled
White cell count at 3.9 (4.0-11.0), neutrophils 1.8 (2.0-8.0), MCHC 319 (320-360)
Also wanted to include these results if there's any use or help;
Ferritin 37ug/L (15-165)
Iron 12umol/L (7-27)
Transferrin 2.2 g/L (2.0-3.6)
Total chol 4.0 mmol/L
Chol/HDL Ratio 3.1
Sodium 141 mmol/L (135-145)