I just got a thyroid and vitamin blood test done through Medichecks, after being advised to do so on this forum. I had just done a basic GP blood test (early june) and they weren't willing to search further.
I'm after some advice as to whether these are normal (the Medichecks doctor's summary says all good but I'm not sure if that's anything to go by and am aware that the TSH reading is higher in these results than in a test done last month - the results of which I posted on here and was told hypothyroid could still be possible).
The attached photos are of the Medichecks results I received today. [not included in photo of today's results is: folate-serum at 7.79 ug.L (range 3.89-19.45). And Thyroglobulin levels are at 11 kIU/L (range 0-15). And Thyroperoxidase antibodies at <9 kIU/L (range 0-34).]
Below are my tests results done through the GP earlier this month:
B12 - 272 pg/mL (197 - 771)
TSH - 1.81 (0.27 - 4.20)
Free T4 - 12.9 (12.0 - 22.0)
Liver function (serum total bilirubin) - 20 umol/L (0 - 20)
Liver function (serum albumin) - 49 g/L (34 - 50)
Any advice! After my first blood test where b12 was on the low side I assumed if no thyroid issues that I would just grab some b12 supplements and hope for the best - but here they're apparently in the good range?
Also, could anyone shine any light on why certain vitamins would be low in the first place? Assuming diet is very healthy and varied (it is). Especially vitamin D, when I've spent much time out in it in recently.
Thank you!