Hello, I have just received some blood test results and would be extremely appreciative if anyone could help me with interpreting them. I take 3 grains of Armour daily plus medication for Addison's disease. My limited understanding of my thyroid results would be that they are a little on the low side. I have been juggling for years with medicating my thyroid correctly because as most on here will know the NHS is whoefully ignorant and poor at addressing and managing thyroid disease. I feel I am getting there slowly but having just found out I have Addison's for which I take around 20 to 25 mg Hydrocortisone and Fludricortisone 100 mcg daily. I seem to be getting quiet a lot of pain in my throat and ears and tinnitis which come and goes along with knowing I still don't feel well and am extremely limited energy wise. But the Addison's is another piece of the puzzle as to why I been struggling. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
Red cell distribution 11.4. range 11.9- 14.4. Low
Lymphocytes. 4.84- 1.0. High
CRP. 16.30. <3.0. High
Free T4. 14.83. range 12 - 22
Free T3 4.51. range. 3.1 - 6.8
TSH. L<0.005. range 0.27 - 4.20 low
Total T4 142.2 . range 64.5 - 142.0. High
Serum Folate . 26.44. range 10.4 -42.4
Cholesterol 4.58. < 5.0
HDL 1.69. > 1.2
Triglycerides. 1.86. < 2.0
LDL. 2.04. < 3.0
Chol: HDL ratio. 2.71. < 4.0
Anti-Thyriodperoxidase abs. 31.0. < 34
Anti -Thyroglobulin Abs. 50.9. < 115