I have recently had a blood test and my Doctors have told me the results are normal. I asked for a print out to view them myself. I am wanting to check if I am perhaps on the higher end or lower end of a spectrum, but am thoroughly confused by all the medical jargon that comes up when I google and am very confused. If anyone could explain any of this to me in the simplest form I'd be incredibly grateful. I am a 26 year old female if that is any help.
Full blood count (424..)
Haemoglobin concentration (Xa96v) - 29 g/L [115.0 - 160.0]
Total white blood count (XaldY) - 5.2 10*9/L [1.0 - 110]
Paletlet count - observation (42P..) - 259 10*9/L [139.0 - 450.0]
Red blood cell count (426..) - 4.33 10*12/L [3.8 - 4.8]
Mean cell volume (42A..) - 90 fL [80.0 - 100.0]
Haematrocrit (X76tb) - 0.39 L/L [0.35 - 0.45]
Mean cell haemoglobin level (XE2pb) - 29.8 pg [27.0 - 34.0]
Red blood cell distribution width (XE2mO) - 13.2 [10.0 - 15.0]
Neutrophil count (42J..) - 2.5 10*9/L [2.0-7.5]
Lymphocyte count (42M..) - 2.2 10*9/L [1.0 - 4.0]
Monocyte count - observation (42N) - 0.4 10*p/L [0.1 - 1.0]
Eosinophil count - observation (42K) - 0.1 10*9/L [0.0 - 0.5]
Basophil count 42L..) - 0.0 10*9/L [0.0 - 0.2]
Nucleated red blood cell count (4266.) - 0.0 10*9/L [0.0 - 0.2]
Serum ferritin level (XE24r) - 39ng/mL
Female Ferritin Reference Range
17-60 years: 13-150 ng/mL
Thyroid function test (X77Wg)
Serum TSH (XaELV) - 2.33 miu/L [0.27 - 4.2]
Serum free T4 level (XaERr) - 14.5 pmol/L [12.0 - 22.0]