My plan to ride off into the sunset have been scuppered by Medichecks and I would be grateful for your advice as to where I go from here.... thank you.
I'm 2 years into my thyroid journey and thought I'd nailed it with my Levo dosage and optimal thyroid and vitamin results. Just to recap (have posted before)...I am 51, I believe perimenopausal (missing periods here and there) and am currently taking 125mcg Levo per day, Jarrows 1000 B12 & Thorne Basic B Complex every other day, Gluten free 15 months (best thing I ever did), 2-3 Brazil nuts per day (selenium on packet). I occasionally use magnesium (drink form or oil) following recommendations on one of my earlier posts, which amazingly worked. Apart from still tripping on my words (which seems to around the time my period arrives), I feel really well. My excess weight is continuing to go, have lost 1.5 stone so far over the past 18 months, my pain has gone. I thought I had reached the light at the end of the tunnel.
I have had a Medichecks blood test this week and the results weren't quite what I was hoping for and left me worrying that although I feel ok, things behind the scene may not be going that well. I have posted the Blue Horizon test from earlier in the year as a comparison.
May 2017 - Blue Horizon - 100 / 125mcg Levo alternate days
TSH 0.23 (0.27 - 4.2)
FT4 16.55 (12 - 22)
FT3 4.29 (3.1 - 6.8)
TOTAL T4 106.7 (64.5 - 142)
CRP 0.5 (<5.0)
FERRITIN 115 (20 - 150)
FOLATE 40.7 (8.83 - 60.8)
B12 SERUM 870
DECEMBER 2017 - MEDICHECKS - 125 mcg Levo' daily
TSH 0.044 (0.27 - 4.20)
FT4 16.9 (12 - 22)
FT3 4.6 (3.10 - 6.8)
TOTAL T4 101 (59 - 154)
ANTI THYROIDPERI' 209 (0 - 34)
ANTI THYROIDGLOB 76.5 (0 - 115)
CRP 0.5 (<5.0)
FERRITIN 106 (13 - 150)
FOLATE 11.57 (2.91 - 50)
B12 (ACTIVE) 247.6 (25.10 - 165) *Highlighted to reduce supplementing*
VITAMIN D 24.7 (50 - 200) *Highlighted that below 25 is deficient & action to take (see doctors comments below)
Medichecks doctors comments..." Your thyroid stimulating hormone is low whilst you have normal levels of thyroxine and T3. This suggests that your dose of levothyroxine is too high. If you are free of symptoms of an overactive thyroid (I WONDER IF THIS IS A TYPO AS I AM AN UNDERACTIVE HASHI') then you may prefer to repeat the test in three months to assess the trend. If you are experiencing symptoms then you should discuss this result with your GP.Having very low levels of thyroid stimulating hormone for several years has been associated with the development of osteoporosis. If your thyroid stimulating hormone always tends to be substantially below the normal range then it may be worth discussing with your GP whether a bone density scan is advised to monitor for the development of osteoporosis. You do not need to worry about the occasional low reading, only if you get repeated very low levels.Your thyroid peroxidase antibodies are elevated. This antibody is commonly associated with autoimmune thyroid disease. It is frequently seen in conditions such as Hashimoto’s disease (where the thyroid becomes underactive) but confusingly can also be seen in Grave’s disease (where the thyroid becomes overactive).
You have high levels of vitamin B12, if you are taking a B12 supplement then I recommend decreasing your dose..
Your vitamin D levels show that you have vitamin D deficiency.We recommend supplementing with 80 mcg (3200 iu) of vitamin D per day for twelve weeks. It is important to test your vitamin D levels regularly - many people in the UK are insufficient or deficient in this vital vitamin. If you are already taking vitamin D then I recommend that you increase your dose. We suggest that you repeat your vitamin D test in 8 -12 weeks to ensure that your levels have returned to normal.Once your levels have returned to normal then you can decrease your vitamin D supplementation to 10 mcg (400 iu) per day."
So my questions (plural, sorry) are...
1. What do I do now about my Levo? If I reduce my Levo to raise my TSH, my FT3 & FT4 will go low again and my symptoms will return. If I leave my Levo' at 125mcg, I risk Osteoporosis. I feel like I'm in a lose / lose situation.
2. Re my B12 levels, should I drop the Jarrows B12 and just stick to the Thorne Basic B which contains a tiny dose of B12? Also, I know the ranges are different, but my Folate does appear to have dropped quite a bit. Again, should I stick with the Thorne Basic B?
3. My Vitamin D deficiency is a shocker. I lasted tested in September 2016 and it was 115. As a full time gardener working outside 6-7 hours almost every day in a t-shirt on ALL but the most freezing of days, I didn't ever expect to be deficient. I didn't test in May 2017 as I assumed I would be ok with summer approaching and with my daily exposure to the sun. Is it possible that I was ok this summer but during the autumn / winter I have already become deficient as the sun has dropped or can you NOT drop that quickly? Does anyone have any idea how this has happened and any comments on the doctors recommendations? Quite worried about this result.
I haven't discussed this with my own GP yet.
Thank you everyone