I've attached the image of the results and here are the docs comments. Please help me work out a few of these. Why would I be over on B12? I live in Manchester which would explain vit D. Please see comments below
We note that you are taking this test to monitor your hypothyroidism. I am assuming that you take levothyroxine for this.
Your thyroid stimulating hormone is in the lower half of the normal range indicating that your levothyroxine dose is correct.
Your free T3 and free thyroxine are both within the normal range.
You have high levels of vitamin B12, if you are taking a B12 supplement then I recommend decreasing your dose. If you are not taking a supplement then I recommend checking your full blood count and liver function to assess whether this is significant.
You have normal levels of folate.
Your vitamin D levels show that you have vitamin D insufficiency. This may progress to vitamin D deficiency if you don’t take steps to increase your vitamin D levels. We recommend supplementing with 20-50 mcg (800 -2000 iu) of vitamin D per day for twelve weeks.
It is important to test your vitamin D levels regularly - most people in the UK are insufficient or deficient in this vital vitamin. We suggest that you repeat your vitamin D test in 8-12 weeks to ensure that your levels have returned to normal. Once your levels have returned to normal then you can decrease your vitamin D supplementation to 10 mcg (400 iu) per day.
Your CRP level is normal, indicating normal levels of inflammation in the body.
Your ferritin level is normal.
Low levels of vitamin D can cause symptoms that resemble an underactive thyroid, I recommend correcting this to see whether your symptoms resolve.